| Autumnfeelings a întrebat:

Hei, ma ajutati si pe mine in legatura cu chesti asta:
My name is jenny. I am 16 years old and have dark blonde hair. NOW THAT YOU HAVE STARTED READING YOU MAY NOT STOP! I was
murdered july 14th with my fathers shotgun And butcher knife. If You don't post this on 20 other pages I will come to Your house in the middle of the night and kill You with my fathers shotgun and butcher knife.
You have 5 hours to complete this task. Don't believe me - maria marshall, pelham, texas 1998, was showing and went to bed right after found dead the next morning. - keisha jones, nashville, tennesee 1995, fell asleep while watching television and mother heard gunshot and scream found laying on floor next morning. - omar wilkionsin 2002, reading a book to go to bed and was shot and stabbed through the book after he fell asleep. Still don't believe me. Ce-i cu ea? Ar trebuie sa cred ce ii acolo ca nu cred. Funda

7 răspunsuri:
| InuIo a răspuns:

Sunt numai prostiilaughing. Orice crede e prost/proasta.

| Autumnfeelings explică:

@BloOdyAnGeL112 deci nu is proasta ca nu cred asa ceva

| Autumnfeelings explică (pentru InuIo):

Deci nu is proasta ca nu cred asa ceva, dar l-am primit pe pagina mea de la doua persoane.I've survived so many chain mails, i'm like GOD.

| BluishAngel a răspuns:

Wow,m-a cam speriat "povestioara" asta.Nu stiu ce sa zic,chestiile astea ma inspaimanta, dar nu ar trebui sa crezi in ele, nu sunt catusi de putin adevarate.Partea in care spune de oamenii aia care nu au crezut in povestea asta si au fost omorati in mod misterios nu e adevarata, hai sa fim seriosi.Am primit si pe messenger acum 3 ani o chestie din asta, in care spunea ca daca nu o trimit mai departe vine cineva la mijlocul noptii si ma omoara.A trecut ceva timp si inca sunt vie big grin. Deci nu crede in prostiile astea.Sunt abureli. happy

| InuIo a răspuns (pentru Autumnfeelings):

Nu vroiam sa zic proasta in sensul urat al cuvantului. Ma refeream un pic prea prostut si prea fricos. Cam asa am vrut sa sune. Da mnoh...in romana nu prea avem cuvinte care sa exprime exact ceea ce vrem sa spunem.
PS:inca traiesclaughing

| Autumnfeelings explică (pentru InuIo):

I've survived so many chain mails, i'm like GOD.

| Andrew1337 a răspuns:

La cate mesaje de genul am primit, trebuia sa mor de peste 2. 0000 de ori -_-. fml. Sunteti prea creduli.