Întrebare recomandată | NOname a întrebat:

...şi de cei, care spun că iubesc animalele, dar le mănâncă, chiar şi după ce află prin ce chinuri trec ele.

634 răspunsuri:
| NOname explică:

"STOP SPEAKING OF LOVE AND PEACE, AND THAT WE ARE ALL ONE, if you still victimizing animals because you are addicted to the taste of their flesh. you do not need to eat them. doing so, kills you early, too...and it means you support violence, famine, and the degradation of the planet. and as we all know, WITHOUT JUSTICE, THERE IS NO PEACE. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"A TRAUMATIZED CHILD IS HORRIFIED TO SEE A HUMAN, after they killed her mother, and trashed her home. all done by palm oil home invaders. orangutans are being killed at an alarming rate because of this oil, that is in so many processed foods and products. please, sign below, to help stop this horrific hell for them and remember, your money speaks the loudest, BOYCOTT ALL PRODUCTS CONTAINING PALM OIL! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"CHINA IS NOT THE ONLY COUNTRY THAT BOILS ANIMALS ALIVE. many slaughterhouses do this to chickens and pigs in North America and if you buy any animal products, you are part of the problem. stop making this about the country the cruelty happens in, because ALL COUNTRIES ARE GUILTY OF THE ANIMAL HOLOCAUST. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:


Pe când şi omul va da dovadă de aceste lucruri, pe când va fi empatic şi blând cu orice fiinţă nevinovată, care poate simţi, dacă tot se consideră superior?

| NOname explică:

"WE MAY THINK WE ARE THE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN ON THIS PLANET, but there are life forms that have stronger and more advanced weapons, that may have the right to treat us as we do, the animals here. so many great minds have said the animals are here with us as an ethical lesson and we are failing them, miserably. which in turn brings negative reactions to our actions. stop participating in the harming of others here, LIVE LIKE YOU GIVE A DAMN, TO ADVANCE OUR WHOLE SPECIES! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"THE SANCTITY OF MOTHERHOOD MUST BE RESPECTED in all species, in all countries. all mothers must be allowed to care for their child, safe from our harm, until they see it fit for them to move on. to evolve, we must now LET LOVE RULE, LET ALL BE, FREE! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"The bond between a mother and her baby is one of the strongest in nature. But in the dairy industry, calves are taken from their mothers within hours of birth so their milk can be sold. Most calves are slaughtered for veal or suffer the same fate as their mothers to become milk machines."

| NOname explică:

"THOSE THAT ARE NOT VEGAN ACTUALLY PAY SADISTS TO TORTURE, RAPE & MURDER these innocent beings at the rate of 70 billion, per year and in most cases, it is infanticide, as most animals are killed when they are still young, either because they are not able to make the slave drivers enough money or for their "tender" flesh. if you believe you are a decent and ethical, non-judgmental person, you have no choice but to LIVE VEGAN, SO NOBODY GETS HURT. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"A COMPASSIONATE WOMAN WEEPS IN AUSTRALIA, OUTSIDE A PIG SLAUGHTER HOUSE, as she offers water to a thirsty pig, on death row, knowing that this innocent pig, will be murdered, soon. they are often very hungry and thirsty, as these essentials are withheld from them, so they will not "soil" the death trucks and they are over heated in the summer, and very cold in the winter, sometimes sticking to the ice that forms in them and thenripped out of the trucks, if they get stuck on it. so many are now doing vigils, worldwide to give them water and food, to show them someone cares. please join them, where you live. if we could only make it that everyone cared... keep spreading the vegan think. PEACE WILL COME ONCE WE SHOW COMPASSION, TO ALL EARTHLINGS. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"A HORRIFIED CHILD ELEPHANT IS BEING TERRORIZED WITH FIRE, TO LEARN TO SIT on command for the slave drivers that sell elephant rides that so many tourists think are benign and harmless. the elephants in temples in Thailand and India are also abused and need our help, as well as those in Cambodia used as taxis. please, sign below, and share widely in groups. we must speak against all torture for these gentle giants and all animals. ANIMAL TERRORISM MUST BE STAMPED OUT, FOR GOOD. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"A BABY IS GETTING THEIR MUCH NEEDED TEETH PULLED OUT without anesthesia. all so they will not fight each other in the hell holes called factory farms or fight the workers there that get paid to do this and other horrific things to them. please, think before you buy and do not vote yes to child abuse and murder by buying animal products! BOYCOTT ALL THAT CAUSE ANIMAL PAIN AND SUFFERING! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"INDOCTRINATING YOUR CHILD INTO OUR CURRENT CIRCLE OF DEATH is child abuse, in so many ways, as it is bad for them, body, mind and soul and it supports infanticide of animals. they would rather have as friends, than as food. if we are ever to evolve, we need to stop brainwashing the next generation into becoming meat and dairy junkies. teach your children kindness to all beings, but learn to live this too, yourself and then teach them to LIVE AND LET LIVE, AND LOVE, AS VEGANS. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"VEGAN ARTIST IN THE HOUSE. Pink shows images of the animal abuse in bull fighting and the dairy industry, in her video, Raise your Glass. so many more artists are speaking against the meat and dairy industries. the more celebrities speak against the treatment of animals, the more visible we will be become. the link is below."

| NOname explică:

"AN ALTERNATIVE FARM FAMILY PORTRAIT and every one of these precious beings is seen as food for humans in one country or another on this speciesist planet, but in the western world, the one in the middle is off the menu. look with new eyes and see the truth. ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIFE AND LIBERTY. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"CONSERVATIONIST "HUNTERS" NEED TO LOOK AT THE SPECIES CAUSING MOST HARM and if they are honest, they will say it is humans. now they should be the first to volunteer to eradicate the problem and volunteer for the cull. we are killing off more animals and making them extinct, than all animals combined. not to mention what we do to the planet and trees. HUMANS ARE ACTUALLY THE WORST NUISANCE SPECIES. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"STILL DELUSIONAL ENOUGH TO THINK YOU ARE THE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN? without a weapon you would not have a chance against so many species here. those that are born with teeth and claws, that can kill and tear at raw now, tell me again, how humans are born to be omnivores. the link below explains why we are not. HUMANS ARE BORN TO BE VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"SERIAL KILLING POACHERS AND MENTALLY ILL ZOOSADIST "HUNTERS" MURDER whole families, when they murder for money and egotistical "trophy" kicks and we do not believe your self delusions that hunting is "conservationism". please, sign below, to help get them to back off and share widely by clicking on the gut wrenching picture. this must be made illegal, as must be all killing and enslavement of any animal. IT IS MURDER, IN THE FIRST DEGREE. thanks, Animal Freed"

| NOname explică:

"WE ARE USING FOURTEEN POUNDS OF PLANT FOOD FOR EVERY POUND OF MEAT that is murdered, and will kill us early, too. and 2000 gallons of water for that same amount of meat, and to produce a gallon of milk. that means you are harming others by choosing to eat foods that you do not need to eat and you are also harming the planet, with severe pollution. the link is below. if you really gave a damn about this planet and all life living here, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LIVE AS A VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"A SCARED CHILD LOOKS FOR SIGNS OF DECENCY IN THE TERRORIST'S FACES, paid by corporations that sell their toxic products to us. please, sign and share below, so we can speak for these victims of cruel greed...and remember, it is your money they want. BOYCOTT ALL PRODUCTS THAT COME FROM ANIMAL ABUSE! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"A NEWLY BORN CHILD IS RIPPED FROM HIS MOTHER'S BREAST, INTO A DEN OF THIEVES, as he faces a jeering crowd of sub-human sadists, that are there to buy them as a slave, to be killed in a few weeks, if male, and the female children will be raped, and milked for one-fifth of their natural lives, then murdered. if this is not hell they have been born into, what is? we must make this horror for them become part of our barbaric history. VEGANISM IS AN IDEA, WHOSE TIME HAS COME. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"A HEART BREAKING PHOTO MONTAGE OF A SWALLOW FINDING THEIR PARTNER dead on the street and it shows just how acutely they feel emotions and grieve loss, as well. who are we to think only our species loves deeply? we must realize they too, care for their family and friends and think about our actions, concerning them...HARMING ANY BEINGS HARMS WHOLE COMMUNITIES. Animal Freedom Fighter"