"REAL MEN ARE SECURE ENOUGH TO NURTURE & TAKE CARE of the children, of another species. the gutless and scared need to control, abuse and murder. violence is cheap and easy and comes from fear and insecurity. only the strong can afford to be gentle. HARMING ANY BEING IS A SIGN OF LOW-MINDED WEAKNESS. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"WE FUND THOSE THAT FORCIBLY CONFINE & MURDER THE ANIMALS, IN HELL HOLES, if we buy any products that come from their bodies or their enslavement. please, sign and share below to help slow down those that harm the innocent. and remember, the real way to stop any Holocaust or terrorist organization is to stop the funding. BOYCOTT ALL PLACES & PRODUCTS THAT ABUSE ANIMALS! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"AN OPEN LETTER OF APOLOGY, TO THE VICTIMS OF OUR IGNORANCE & GREED from those that can feel your pain and sorrow. and the fact so many of us still do not feel it, frustrates us, to the core. we have lived here long enough to realize that all sentient life feel emotions, and suffer and they want to be free and they should also be free from our harm, too. if we are to become a civilized planet, all beings must now be seen as sovereign. VEGANISM IS AN IDEA, WHOSE TIME IS NOW! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"WHEN YOU SAY YOU LOVE THE ANIMALS, THAT MUST MEAN ALL ANIMALS, not just the ones you have in your homes, because they have been domesticated. love and compassion go hand in hand, at least the higher love called "agape". do not say you love them, if you eat any of them or the secretions that come from their bodies, as they are harmed by that, too. ALL ROADS OF COMPASSION LEAD TO VEGANISM. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"SO "YOUR" MURDERED CHICKEN FLESH MEAL ONCE LIVED "FREE RANGE" and that helps you feel better about paying someone to kill them "humanely" and buying stolen goods, and eating their bodies... well, take a look at how they lived in one huge cage, with no sunlight or grass all on top of each other! stop fooling yourself! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HUMANE FARMING OR SLAUGHTER. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A SCARED CHILD IN SHOCK, BEING DRAGGED BY A ROPE AROUND THEIR NECK and bullied by grown "cow-ard boys"...and they are not being shot for doing this intentionally, to a helpless child. to them, and a sick and twisted crowd, this is "entertainment". please, sign below, and share widely so we can speak for the victims of human arrogance. ALL ANIMALS MUST BE PROTECTED FROM THE ZOOSADISTS. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"EATING DOGS IS DISTURBING TO SO MANY OF US, that have been raised with them as part of the family, but then again, those in India that see cows as sacred, feel the same way about them and see our cult(ure) as barbaric. so why are you allowing the brainwashing to affect you as to WHICH ANIMALS ARE EDIBLE, AND WHICH ARE LOVABLE? Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE TORTURE SHEEP GO THROUGH FOR UGLY SWEATERS AND UGGS is like a horror movie. this is not about a little "sheering". please, sign below, and share so we can say "no more!" and remember, your money is what they are after. use the alternatives, of which we have so many, BOYCOTT ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS NOW! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"PLEASE, TELL ME HOW THIS IS EDUCATIONAL, WHEN WE HAVE THE INTERNET and so many videos to watch of animals, in the wild. if you want to get up close and personal, go visit them where they live, without any weapons, just a camera and make sure to keep your distance, because humans have so many diseases. the only thing zoos have taught us is SENTIENT BEINGS ARE NOT MEANT TO LIVE IN CAPTIVITY. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"VEGANS HAVE SO MANY ACCUSING US OF FEELING SUPERIOR TO OTHERS, when the opposite is true. we feel all have equal rights to live a life in peace, free from human cruelty and greed and that includes those most believe they are superior to. veganism is not about being "better" than others, it is about LIGHTING THE PATH TO A KINDER, GENTLER & MORE SUSTAINABLE WORLD. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"EYES FROZEN IN SHOCK AND HORROR, AS THE KILLERS TOOK THEIR BODY, to eat a meal that they will soon forget and they care not for the soul they have tortured for it. if you are partaking in this heinous crime, you have more than your heart to worry about, which will be clogged from eating them, YOU HAVE LOST YOUR MIND AND SOUL. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE HOLOCAUST FOR SOME ANIMALS, IS STILL GOING ON, WITHOUT REPROACH, as animals are tested on and living in concentration camp farms, to be eaten. please, sign below and share widely in groups, to speak for those terrorized by junk science whores. and keep boycotting all that comes from their suffering UNTIL ALL HOLOCAUST VICTIMS ARE FREED! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"THE YOUNG HEAD OF THE BURGER YOU BOUGHT, LEFT IN A BLOOD BATH. you may not know, but most of the cows killed are only a year and a half, in age. when you pay for any body parts from an animal, you are paying a hit man to kill for you and those that sell these products do not have a conscience, so they will not stop. you are the one that must stop the demand, because McMURDER HAS NO ISSUE SUPPLYING THE CARNAGE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A MOTHER TRIES TO STEAL A KISS FROM HER CHILD THEY ARE STEALING FROM HER, so they can then steal this child's rightful food. what k-ind of world have we created, for these innocent souls? it seems it has become a fact, we have made this planet a hell, for so many and...HUMANS ARE THE DEMONS HERE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"AS LONG AS SLAUGHTERHOUSES KILL SENTIENT LIFE, WE WILL POST THESE PICTURES. if you eat it, or know anyone who does, all must see them. the truth is the only way to set anyone free. if it is hard to see these pictures, HOW DO YOU THINK THE ANIMAL FEELS GOING THROUGH THIS? Animal Freedom Fighter"
"EATING MEAT & DAIRY IS A CHOICE, THAT HARMS YOU, AS WELL AS THE ANIMALS and other humans, and the planet, too. it takes way too much resources, causing famine and droughts and creates too much pollution. all of it is negative, and yet, we continue to live in this suicidal/murderous paradigm. a link is below. humans were born to be vegan, and we are ruining this planet because we refuse to live as we are meant to. VEGANISM IS THE CURE TO SO MANY OF THIS PLANET'S ILLS... Animal Freedom Fighter"
"GREAT NEWS FOR THESE VICTIMS OF HATE CRIME IN VALENCIA, SPAIN! the sadists will no longer do the running of the bulls there, with them being terrorized by having their horns in flames. keep the pressure on, so we can make this go world wide and change this hell for so many animals. ALL MUST BE FREE FROM HUMAN HARM, NOW! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE OWNER OF A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, SMILES NEXT TO HER TORTURED VICTIM. she makes money from their misery and ultimately their skin. in her words 'I have no sympathy for the animals that are about to be killed,' admitted Belarusian fur farm owner Yekaterina Klitsova (pictured). the last link below shows more about the hell she created for these victims. first, please, sign and share in groups so we can speak for these victims and tell stores to stop selling it, best yet, keep boycotting all products that come from animals. FUR MAKES HUMANS LOOK UGLY, TO THE BONE. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
Când egalitatea este înţeleasă pe deplin şi nu e trunchiată...
"A STEP TOWARDS A KINDER AND GENTLER WORLD. some countries are showing us how it is done. Holland is one of the countries, leading the way, in trying to live in harmony, with the other species here. this will do much to help heal the fact we are the real nuisance species. keep spreading the knowledge of the vegan paradigm so we will all live in peace, with the other species here. THAT IS WHEN OUR PLANET WILL BE CALLED CIVILIZED. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"HOW CAN YOU CLAIM YOU ARE "PRO-LIFE" WHEN YOU EAT THE BODY OF DEAD ANIMALS? and pay those that kill them, to breed more, keeping the killing machines churning? the children you are wanting to be protected from being killed before born would be the first to tell you...ALL LIVES MATTER, OF EVERY SPECIES. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A DEPRESSED MOTHER LIES IN A SPACE THE SIZE OF HER BODY in a position that allows her babies to suckle on her and one of her children is dead, below her. probably "thumped" to death, by a worker that saw them sub-standard. please, sign and share to help to stop this horror for them, in these concentration camps and death houses. the only sure way to stop this Holocaust now: WITHHOLD ALL YOUR MONEY FROM THE ANIMAL TERRORISTS! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"THIS ZOMBIE IN THE MEATRIX IS SORTING MALES FROM FEMALES, so the males can be ground alive, as they will not lay the golden eggs. that the chicken slave drivers make money from, every time we use animals products of any k-ind, animals are being harmed. you fund this carnage. please, always use the alternatives. INFANTICIDE IS JUST "STANDARD PRACTICE", WITH THE EGG & DAIRY THIEVES. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THIS IS HOW THEY DE-HORN YOUNG, DEFENSELESS BULLS and they do it without anesthesia. all so they cannot fight the slave drivers and are more helpless. and all so we can eat toxic meat. the act of not partaking in this abusive industry, by buying only vegan, is an act of civil disobedience...and living vegan, is such a cure all for so many issues: the cruelty to these animals, your health, the environment, and famine. but we continue in this murder/suicide paradigm, because we have become too addicted to the flavour of death. why not become part of the solution? VEGANISM IS THE ONLY WAY TO CIVILIZE THIS PLANET. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"DO NOT TEACH YOUR CHILDREN THAT ANIMALS ARE COURT JESTERS or objects to be used, for any reason. we do not need to harm any animal in order to live well and survive. and Cirque du Soleil has proven we can amuse ourselves. please, stop brainwashing the younger generation that we are the top of the food chain! we are not. we use weapons to subdue and kill the other species here. we have become their bullies and terrorists and we must now make amends. IT IS TIME WE EMPTY ALL OUR CAGES & FREE THE SLAVES! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A HELPLESS GERMAN SHEPHERD IS TIED TO BE RAPED BY THE CRUEL AND DERANGED. the mentally insane that do this are called zoophiliacs. sorry for the graphic image, it is a few years old from Germany. we are not sure what happened to the dog and it must be shown so people believe this goes on. some countries including Finland, Hungary, Romania, Canada and some states in the USA, still allow bestiality, in one form or another (oral in Canada is allowed) and many states in the USA are undetermined as to it being illegal, too. there is a link below, about that. please, sign below to help stop this in Canada and the EU, as well as helping a victim get justice, in the USA. and share by clicking on the horrific picture. MAKE BESTIALITY ILLEGAL, ONCE AND FOR ALL! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"