"ARE YOU ONE OF THE MANY, THAT ARE OUTRAGED BY THIS CHILD ABUSE? well then, you must not make this a "factory farm" issue. it is a "murdering animals" issue. we do not need to harm them, in any way, in order to survive. as a matter of fact, they live longer and healthier lives if we stop...and so do we BE VEGAN, TO MAKE ALL ANIMALS A SOMEBODY, TOO! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"LESS THAN SIXTY YEARS AGO WE HAD AFRICAN PEOPLE IN HUMAN "ZOOS". as well as some indigenous people of North America. while most countries still had them separated from "white" society. as did many cities in the USA. and we have finally grown past such injustice, cruelty and discrimination. now it is the animal's turn, but they cannot speak for themselves. so if people tell you animals will never know freedom. tell them this is the next step in our collective evolution. vegans are the visionaries, ushering in a more evolved planet. make sure you are on the side of right. ALL SENTIENT LIFE IS MEANT TO BE SOVEREIGN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
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