Întrebare recomandată | NOname a întrebat:

...şi de cei, care spun că iubesc animalele, dar le mănâncă, chiar şi după ce află prin ce chinuri trec ele.

554 răspunsuri:
| NOname explică:

"THE EGG INDUSTRY IS AS CRUEL & VILE TO BABIES, AS THE DAIRY INDUSTRY. these chickens and their children, are abused and killed, all for your money. please, use alternatives for eggs in recipes. grinding a tablespoon of flaxseed equals an egg. and there are alternatives for omelettes, too. or just go without, as we have so many options. VEGANISM STOPS ANIMAL INFANTICIDE & MURDER. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"FUR ON HUMANS ONLY MAKE US LOOK UGLY, TO THE BONE. and all that wear it are advertising they are not capable of love or compassion. this coat took 18 foxes, too many, to make. please, sign and share below, to help protect the truly beautiful they are stealing from, because the results are deadly. and keep speaking the new think. COMPASSION FOR ANIMALS, IS ALWAYS IN FASHION. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"HUMANS ARE THE BIGGEST PESTS ON THIS PLANET. yet, we keep projecting this fact onto the animals, claiming they will "take over the planet", if we do not keep them in check. how about looking at your own species? we are close to 8 billion and we harm more than all other species, combined. studies show when animals go extinct, the eco-system is disrupted, but in actuality, IF HUMANS DISAPPEARED, THE PLANET WOULD FLOURISH. Animal Freedom Fighter"

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"THE MOTHER AND CHILD UNION IS A SACRED ONE and coming between them is a universal crime. we must not support any people or businesses that steal children from their mothers. they are part of our extended family here. LET ALL LIVE AND LOVE, IN PEACE! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"THE WANTON BRUTALITY IN FARM DEATH CAMPS AND SLAUGHTERHOUSES is worse than any horror flick imaginable and still, people continue to pay these terrorist organizations, because of their addictions, to the eating of animal flesh. use the fake products, if you are a bacon junkie and, please, sign below and share widely to help stop the horrific abuse! and to make it all stop, we must stop the flow of money. CONSUME ONLY VEGAN TO STOP ANIMAL TORTURE! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"MEAT & DAIRY SHORTENS THE LIVES OF BILLIONS OF ANIMALS AND HUMANS. as so much of our illnesses are directly connected with farming the animals and eating them. a link is below. our current paradigm has us committing slow suicide and murdering others. for humans, this is not the circle of life THIS IS THE CIRCLE OF DEATH. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"THE EYES NEVER LIE AND TEARS ARE A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE. the terror this victim of your appetite is feeling is real and you are the one that caused them to feel it, if you paid a serial killer to murder them. stop being an accomplice to these crimes against the animals! boycott all animal products, live as a vegan! THESE EYES ARE BEGGING YOU FOR MERCY! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"VEGAN ARTIST IN THE HOUSE. actor Woody Harrelson cut through the meat and dairy propaganda many years ago. that keeps these companies rich, as well as Big Pharma, because of the fact we are getting sick, eating animal products. thanks, for speaking publicly about the lies so many are told in the Meartrix. ALL VEGANS SALUTE YOU! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"GREAT MINDS, THINK ALIKE. Martin Luther King, Jr. understood that animals have been slaves to humans, for far too long and his wife and son are both vegan. thanks for help paving the way to a better world. now all animal slaves must be freed. VEGANISM IS WHAT WILL CIVILIZE THIS PLANET. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"SO MANY COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW GRAPHIC THE PICTURES ARE IN POSTS, but if you cannot stand looking at them, how do you think the animals felt being terrorized by your fellow humans? the truth is the only thing that set anyone free. people will not get past their indoctrination, if they do not have a motivation. and if they still have a heart, it will come from their conscience, once they see the carnage. please, share them on your wall. it is all about WHAT WILL MAKE OTHERS WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

""HUMANE SLAUGHTER" IS A LIE AND AN OXYMORON. only a moron would believe. and all so you can feel better, eating their flesh, because they died "happily", to be your twenty minute heart attack inducer. here is an idea: if you want to truly be humane, DO NOT PAY A HITMAN TO SLAUGHTER THEM, AT ALL! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"HARAMBE THE GORILLA, DID NOT WANT TO HARM THIS CHILD, OBVIOUSLY, as you can see he had so much time to do, it looks like he is trying to find a way to lift him up, back to where he fell from. please, sign the petitions below and share widely, so we can speak for this innnocent victim of ignorance and greed. and remember, he is there because ignorant humans buy tickets. only support bonafide sanctuaries! BOYCOTT ALL ZOOS, CIRCUSES AND "SEA WORLDS", FOR GOOD! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

I am not Food

| NOname explică:

"A MOTHER'S EYES BEAM AS SHE HUGS HER PRECIOUS CHILD and they are both love personified, yearning to live and run, freely. we must stop seeing them as "beasts of burden". they have their own lives to live and they have every right to live their lives in peace, FREE FROM SLAVERY AND HUMAN INTRUSION. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"HOW HORRIFIC IS THIS FACT, HARAMBE GAVE A HUMAN CHILD MORE ATTENTION and concern, than his own mother. if we stop projecting the fact we are the dangerous beasts here onto the animals, they would have a fighting chance. vegans are not saying you have to love the animals. we are saying do not use and abuse them, JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"WHY IS IT WE DO NOT HAVE SCHOOL TRIPS TO SLAUGHTERHOUSES, if eating meat is natural for us? yet we have trips to pick apples, and other fruits, we love the smell of. this is just one of the many truths, that prove it is the truly natural food for us. time to get past the brainwashing and past the addiction forced upon you. we are not equipped to kill animals, or eat them and we must stop paying others to do it. HUMANS ARE BORN TO BE VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"A CHILD'S EYES SHOW THEY ARE IN EXTREME SHOCK AND HAVE DISCONNECTED from the severe fear and anxiety they feel, as slave driving zoosadists jab them with bull hooks to learn stupid tricks... until they have no fight left in them. and their mother can do nothing, as she has had her spirit broken too. and is kept far away when they torture them. please, sign below, and share widely, so we can speak against this horrific abuse...and remember, it is your money they want. BOYCOTT ALL THAT ENSLAVE ANY ANIMALS! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"NOT ONLY DOES LIVING VEGAN HELP SAVE THE ANIMALS AND US, as they live longer, and so do we. an average of 15 years. it also helps the biosphere, and pollution issues, too, as well as world hunger, since it takes 14 lbs of grain to produce a pound of meat, not to mention droughts, with 2000 gallons of water for the same amount of meat and gallon of milk. links are below. please, consider the facts and consequences of your actions, when you make your dietary and purchasing choices! THE ONLY VIABLE AND SUSTAINABLE FUTURE IS VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"A HELPLESS MOTHER IS FORCED TO BIRTH HER CHILDREN ON DIRTY GRATING, that has urine and feces caked on, all over it, after being raped to breed more victims of your appetite. and now, she will not even be able to turn around and clean her children, because she is confined in a gestation crate, the size of her body. and the child on the left will probably be smashed on concrete, to kill them, because they are too small and seen as "sub-standard". your money pays for this death camp they are born into, if you are a bacon junkie, eat the faux bacon, if you are too weak to give it up...and WITHHOLD YOUR MONEY FROM THE ANIMAL TERRORISTS! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"THE FACT THEY TORTURE RATS FOR THESE UNNEEDED EXPERIMENTS shows we are the species that lacks compassion and are the most selfish and destructive, by far. we are willing to enslave, torture and murder 70 billion animals a year for a taste sensation, that harms us also and we do these torturous, needless experiments that harm the innocent and are inconclusive waste of tax payers time, by junk science. WE ARE THE REAL NUISANCE SPECIES. Animal Freedom Fighter"

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Speciesism: The Original Discrimination.

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Is Sugar Vegan?