Cred că aveai mai mult succes dacă puneai întrebarea la categoria potrivită, dar în fine.Aș putea să-ți recomand câteva filme de genul ăsta:Mirrors[1/2/3],Evadare disperată, Cubul[1/2/3],Dark mirror, FROM WITHIN, Bag of Bones, Orphan, Final Destination[1/2/3/4/5]
Mda... Cred ca nu mai e nevoie sa zic ca primeai mai multe raspunsuri daca puneai intrebarea la categoria potrivita
Pai uite:
Village of the damned (2005),13th ghosts,Saw(toate partile),The grudge(toate partile),Cabana lui Quasimode, Knife Edge, After life, Case 39, the unborn,Shawn of the dead,The lost tribe,underwolrd,wrong turn,ecouri din adancuri,Havoc,Hostel,Scream(toate partile),Pirahnia,the final destination,Drag me to hell,The Orphan,Mirrors,Silent Hill,Priest Razbunatorul,the rite,Devil,pandorum,The excorist,The mist,Planet Terror,From hell, The eye,The skeleton key, End of days, Gothica, Apollo 18, Anaconda,Prometheus, Chernobyl diaries, Bait, Apartament 133, Sinister,The devil inside, The cabin in the woods, Zzombie Massacre, House at the end of the street, Devil seed.
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