,,Scientists believe wet dreams are caused by a rise in levels of the hormone testosterone that happens in a guy's body during puberty. Most guys have fewer wet dreams as they get older.'' - https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/stop-dreams.html
,,While masturbation may reduce the number of wet dreams a person experiences, it does not guarantee a person will never experience them.
Evidence linking masturbation and wet dreams is lacking, but a person can experiment to see if it helps in their situation.'' - https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321351#facts-and-myths
,,Whether you have a lot of them or you don't have any, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you.
Some guys have wet dreams a few times a week. Others may only have a couple of wet dreams during their entire life. (Some research shows that you might be more likely to have sexual dreams if you sleep on your stomach.)'' - https://www.webmd.com/teens/wet-dream-faq
Din pacate, nu cred ca am gasit mare lucru. Poate userul doctorandus ti-ar fi de mai mare ajutor, daca ii scrii.
Pe cine crezi ca intereseaza prostiile tale? Va informez te informez ca nu ne intereseaza ce faci tu este fix treaba ta ca faci sau nu l@bă, ne doare fix undeva de prostiile tale. Cred ca esti nebun nu asexual mergi pe la psihiatrie si vorbeste cu ei.
Felicitări pentru renunțarea la mastrbare.
Politiile nocturne sunt calea naturala de eliminare a spermei în lipsa activității sexuale, nu e nimic rău în asta. Felicitări și pentru renunțarea la filme porno. O conștiința mai ușoară e un lucru de neprețuit.
E un subiect foarte vast "asexualitatea". Nu cred ca merita sa etichetezi persoana inainte sa te documentezi despre ea.
Nu toti suntem disperati dupa carne in gura, Carmen.
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