In our days the coruption is one of the biggest promblem from the world. I think in every contry is existing corpution, no matter which category belongs. By examples, in Romania, there is very much politic coruption. The Gouverment of Romania is feeding with money that they should get across the country for reforms and projects of various kinds.
Corrupt people are corrupting ordinary people and people with important functions like Police or Jandarmery for giving protection and other stuffs that they do not need it and judges to get rid of their sentences and prison years.
Another example by corrupiton you can see in the movie "A time to Kill, in the scene when Mary Jones was stopped by a police car and then the corrupt cop with his band kidnapped her.
Asta e : In zilele noastre coruptia este una dintre cele mai mari probleme ale lumii.Eu cred ca in orice tara exista coruptie indifferent din ce categorie face parte. De exemplu in Romania exista foarte multa coruptie politica. Cei din parlamentul si guvernul Romaniei se alimenteaza cu banii care ar trebui sa ajunga in toata tara pentru reformari si proiecte de diferite tipuri. Majoritatea oamenilor corupti corup si alti oameni cum ar fi oameni cu functii mari din cadrul jandarmeriei sau a politiei pentru a le oferi protectie si alte lucruri de care un au nevoie dar si judecatori pentru a scapa de sentintele lor si de anii de puscarie.
Alt exemplu de coruptie poate fi cel din filmul vizionat la cursurile de engleza, "A time to Kill", in scena cand Maria Jones este oprita de o masina de polite iar apoi politistul corupt de KKK impreuna cu membrii clanului o rapesc.
Ok mersi mult s-ar putea sa mai am nevoie de cateva traduceri cum iti pot trimite mesaj mai repede ca sa vezi in caz ca intervine ceva? daca vrei iti dau eu adresa de mail si vb acolo
A facut niste greseli grave atat de gramatica cat si de exprimare. Asa e corect
Nowdays, coruption is one of the biggest problems of the world. I think there is coruption in every country no matter of which cand is it. For example, In Romania there is a lot of political coruption. Those from the parlament and government of Romania are using the money, which is supposed to be used for restaurations and different projects, for their personal use.
Most of the corrupted people, corrupt other people. People charged in high functions, such as constabulary or police, offer those who corrupt them protection and other things they need or even judges can be useful because can help them escape from being imprisoned.
Another example of coruption is what was presented in the movie
shown at the english class `A time to kill`. The scene when MAria Jones is stopped by a police car and the policeman, which has been corrupted by KKK, toghter with the members of the band, are taking her with them, shows another type of coruption.