| tevreau a întrebat:

Plz dati-mi varianta corecta 1. A : What time have/does/did you leave school yesterday? B :At four o'clock 2. I love reading the/a/an Guardian newspaper every morning 3. At half past six last night we are having/were having/have dinner. 4. The food was so/such/such a spicy I couldn't eat it 5. A : where's Bill B: He's been going/been/gone to the basketball game. 6. It was such a/so/such difficult crossword puzzle that i couldn't finish it 7. A : is Sue at home? B: yes, she's just/since/already arrived. 8. Many different languages are spoken in the/ -/an Europe. 9. A: why is Bob tired? B: well, he is studying/has been studying/has studied in the library for hours! 10: It was such a/ so /such boring lecture that i left before it was over. Fundooi

Răspuns Câştigător
| AoBo a răspuns:

1. did
3.were having
4.was so
5. gone
6.such a
7. just
8. -
9.has been studying
10.such a

2 răspunsuri:
| AllinaDaniella a răspuns:

Pune-ti mintea la contributie si fa-ti temele, ca nu e bine ceea ce faciwinking In loc sa iti pierzi timpul aici pe site (banuiesc ca ai o varsta frageda!) incearca sa iti faci temele. Nu castigi nimic daca iti face altcineva temelewinking!

| Olaru_Vlad_1999 a răspuns (pentru AllinaDaniella):

Poate ca din greseli se invata si cateodata este bine sa mai ajuti si pe altii.Nu zic ca este bine sa faci tema altcuiva, dar, din greseli se invata.,, Parerea mea''