Daca in PP avem prezent sau viitor in PS putem sa avem orice timp cerut de logica comunicarii.
I know that he told me the truth.
-is telling the truth
-will tell me the truth
Daca in PP avem:
past tense - anterioritate in PS avem (had+V3) I konw that he had stolen the car(am stiut ca el a furat masina)
-simultaneitate in PS avem
(past tense) He told me that he was there
- posterioritate in PS avem future in the past(would+V1)
He told me that he would come(mi-a spus ca el va veni)
Sper ca ai inteles.Bafta!
Vorbesti despre indirect speach?
Atunci intotdeauna cand verbul tell/say e la trecut timpurile merg inapoi cu un timo => Pres Simple -> Past Simple, Pres Perf Cont-> Past Perf Cont, Pres Cont-> Past Cont, Past Simple-> Past Perfect si tot asa...Ai intales? fundita?
aici sunt cateva expemple.Lucrurile pe care Sarita si Simona mi le-au psus le stiu, insa eu vreau sa ma lamuresc daca exista anumite reguli pentru timpurile verbale de la rephrase.
La rephrasing se respecta concordanta timpurilor, nu sunt alte reguli, decat daca iti precizeaza ei sa ai un anumit numar de cuvinte sau ceva de genul.Eu asa stiu.
Buna, Te rog ajuta-ma sa pricep niste exemple, ca nu le gasesc logica.
1. You broke my window, Tom! Said Mr. Brown.
Mr. Brown accused …his window. Broken
2. He paid more than was necessary for that TV set.
He needn’t …the TV set. Have
3. Maybe grannie is making a cake.
Grannie … Be
As aprecia foarte mult daca imi si explici rezolvarea.
Multumesc mult!