Horror: Saw, House at the End of the Street, The Unborn, The Possession, Drag Me to Hell, The Apparition, The Woman in Black, Orphan, Van Helsing, Mirrors, My Bloody Valentine, The Cabin in the Woods.
Comedie : Ted, Friday, Next Friday, Friday after next, How High astea sunt cele mai asemanatoare cu 21 Jump Street.
Human centiped 2. Dar avand in vedere ca pan si cacatu ala de Paranormal activity te-o speriat nu-ti recomand sa te uiti. ))
Final Destination, Saw, The Omen, Hidden, Silent Hill, The Legend of Bloody Mary, The Children, Lesbian Vampire Killers, Povestea Celor Doua Surori, 13 Fantome, The Blackout, Orfana, Tamara, The Last House On The Left, The Shrine, Hostel, Night Of The Demons, Halloween, The exorcist. Sunt mult mai multe filme, ti-am dat cateva filme care chiar merita sa le vezi :*.Pe care le-am vazut mai bine de 4 ori pe fiecare in parte siti-am mai spus si filme care au mai multe parti :* Deci bafta la cautarea unui film.
Pai de groaza poti incerca Saw 1, 2, 3, 4... (tortura) e groaznic, de comedie singur acasa 1, 2, 3, 4, Norbit, Seed of Chucky, Placinta Americana, Minte-ma frumos, Ho Ho Ho 2.Mai sunt multe altele alege. Funda?
The Grudge 1, 2, 3.
The exorcism of Emily Rose.
Mirrors 1, 2.
The rite.
The ring.
The ring two.
The fourth cand.
Secret circle.
Sper ca te-am ajutat.
Friday the 13 th, the grudge 1, 2, 3, the ring, the messenger 1, 2, dead silence, one missed call, quarantine
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