Doua dintre ele mor mancate de rechini, blonda supravietuieste si ultima nu mai stiu ce mai face.
Sirenele se termina cu coada.Asta daca nu cumva vorbesti de cele atarnate de masinile de politie.
By harvesting the magnetic crystals, Zane, Sophie and Ryan have severely damaged the Moon Pool, and the girls find that it no longer has enough power to push the incoming comet away from the Earth. All seems lost, but Bella, Cleo and Rikki band together, and use their own magic to create a tower of water and light, that knocks the comet off course, making it miss the Earth. With the Earth saved, the girls then graduate from school, and celebrate in the cafe, but there is one more surprise in store for them... Lewis has returned home.
Faci misto ? te crezi prea "smecher"? daca nu stiai nu trebuia sa iti consumi timpul degeaba.
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