Google şi IMDB fac minuni:
"Lucas Hood (Antony Starr), an ex-con and master thief assumes the identity of a murdered sheriff where he continues his criminal activities. His past seems to haunt him by those he betrayed years earlier. This ex-con imposes his own brand of justice where violence erupts at every turn in the not so quiet Amish town, Banshee, Pennsylvania."
Acţiunea e bună dar e prea nefondat şi prezintă lucruri aberante, asta e impresia mea după ce am văzut nu sunt sigur că este exact serialul la care te referi, dar nu ţi-aş recomanda să-l vizionezi
Lucas Hood (Antony Starr), an ex-con and master thief assumes the identity of a murdered sheriff where he continues his criminal activities. His past seems to haunt him by those he betrayed years earlier. This ex-con imposes his own brand of justice where violence erupts at every turn in the not so quiet Amish town, Banshee, Pennsylvania.
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