The Skeleton Key
13 Ghosts
The Last House on the Left
Get Out
The Midnight Meat Train
Daca-mi mai dai niste filme dupa care sa ma iau. Ca 1408 si silent hill nu sunt prea multe.
1. Cabin in the woods (un fel de horror-comedy dar ii fain)
2. Case 39 (super tare)
3. The strangers
4. Would you rather
5. 13( un film din 2010 in care este si 50 Cent. Buna ideea cu ruleta ruseasca).
6. My bloody valentine (din 2009)
7. Storm of the century (este lung de vreo 3 episoade dar merita, filmul copilariei mele)
8. Rigor mortis(un film japonez din 2014)
Cam la astea ma pot gandii acum.
Wolf Creek 1, 2 si serialul Wolf Creek daca iti plac filmele
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
The Collector 1, 2
You're Next
Don't Breathe
The Guest
The Sacrament
Creep 1, 2
The Gift
The Invitation
Hostel 1-3
A Perfect Getaway
Devil (2010)
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