Fiindca in cultura chineasca, ei aveau parul lung de sute de ani, atat femeile cat si barbatii.
"Back in ancient China, men did not get haircuts.
Keeping their hair long was a show of respect towards their parents, from whom they ultimately got their hair.
Then, at age 20, young men would secure their hair into a bun. Their teachers then presented them with caps, in a ceremony that marked each boy's coming of age...
By the time of the Qing conquest, Chinese gentlemen wore their hair long, and long hair was also considered a mark of masculinity as well as cultural identity.
Confucian — or more properly, Mencian — ideas about the body as a gift from one's parents encouraged the preservation of every part of the body, including hair."
PS Se poate traduce cu google translate, daca nu stii engleza.
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