| Desh a întrebat:

Salut TPU! Îmi poate spune cineva de ce toate personajele principale din anime-urile chinezești au părul lung?

6 răspunsuri:
| Violleta2022 a răspuns:

Fiindca in cultura chineasca, ei aveau parul lung de sute de ani, atat femeile cat si barbatii.

| Iulianaiuli78 a răspuns:

Pentru că și chinezi i aveau parul lung

| Desh explică (pentru Violleta2022):

Și asta ce simbolizează?

| Violleta2022 a răspuns (pentru Desh):

"Back in ancient China, men did not get haircuts.
Keeping their hair long was a show of respect towards their parents, from whom they ultimately got their hair.
Then, at age 20, young men would secure their hair into a bun. Their teachers then presented them with caps, in a ceremony that marked each boy's coming of age...

By the time of the Qing conquest, Chinese gentlemen wore their hair long, and long hair was also considered a mark of masculinity as well as cultural identity.
Confucian — or more properly, Mencian — ideas about the body as a gift from one's parents encouraged the preservation of every part of the body, including hair."

PS Se poate traduce cu google translate, daca nu stii engleza.

Răspuns utilizator avertizat
| ReddY25 a răspuns:

Le sta foarte bine