| Ioan489 a întrebat:

Am o unitate pc care incepe sa bipaie exlusiv doar atuncea cand rulez jocul pes 21 dupa aprixomativ 8min ( si totul functioneaza minunat ). Acest lucru nu mi se intampla cu alte jocuri mult mai pretentionase decat acesta. Care ar putea fi problema?

7 răspunsuri:
| LPCTSTR a răspuns:

Cum adica bipaie? Se inchide? Scoate sunete si atat? Cate sunete scoate? (Numara-le!)

| Ioan489 explică (pentru LPCTSTR):

Nu se inchide. Sunetele sunt neregulate, nu am putut sa denot un anumit tipar.

| LPCTSTR a răspuns (pentru Ioan489):

Deci scoate mai multe sunete.
Da-mi mai mult context, cate sunt? Nu ma intereseaza tiparul si nici tempo-ul.
Daca tu nu poti sa le numeri, inregistreaza-le si pune inregistrarea aici, fie link din cloud, fie altceva.

| LPCTSTR a răspuns (pentru Ioan489):

Cred c-am aflat: bipaie ca tii prea multe taste pasate in acelasi timp.
"Hold your horses guys!
This isn't a problem with your computer it is a normal thing to happen. It means that you are holding down too many keys on the keyboard. This normally happens in games because you will be holding down W to walk forward and maybe D to go right at the same time and G to throw a grenade. The computer is just telling you that you are holding down loads of keys.
It is very common with computers which come pre-made from the manufacturer. I know this because my Compaq PC does the beeping all the time in GTA 4 because i'm trying to steer the car eratically but my friends PC made by him doesn't beep. A way to test this theory is to go onto the desktop not clicking on a program and hold down 5 keys on your keyboard for about 4 seconds, the beep will come from inside the computer from a small speaker on the motherboard.
Solution to your problem, try not to bash the keys!"

| Ioan489 explică (pentru LPCTSTR):

Acelasi lucru. Tot bipaie.