Ce as juca? Pai tot...
Mai ales jocurile care au aparut de curand:
1.GRID 2
2.Dead Island Riptide
3.Far cry 3 (stiu ca nu a aparut de curand)
4.Metro:Last Light
5.Call of Juarez:Gunsliger...
Batman Arkham Asylum, Far Cry 3, Tomb Raider 2013, Bioshok Infinite, Assassins Creed Seria, Call of Duty MW1 MW2 MW3, Call of Juarez Gunslinger, Dmc Devil May Cry, The Walking Dead, Remember Me, Metro 2033, Dead Space 1 2 3, Half Life 1 si 2, Mirrors Edge, Amnezia The Dark Descendent, The Amaizing Spiderman, Race Driver Grid, Need for Speed The Run, Medal of Honor seria, Company of Heroes 1, Prince of Persia seria, Fifa 13, Dragon Age Origins si 2, Max Payne 3, GTA 4, Sleeping Dogs, Starcraft 2, Zeno Clash 2, Dead Island, Sniper ghost warrior 2, The Cave, Deadlight, Lucius, Dishonored, Orcs must die 1 si 2, Left4Dead 1 si 2, Crysis 1 si 2, I am alive.