In primul rand ai bagat iar un cfg dupa ce ai loat destroy? sa stii ca codurile se baga inainte sa intri in cs si pe urma se pornesc de pe o tasta ex.delete end etc. bafta si joaca corect nu mai juca cu coduri ca o sa devii dependent
Nu iti mai merg codurile pentru ca ai luar destroy sh mie mi-au dat destroy am instalat din nou cs sh mi-a mers sa joc cu coduri.
N-am bagat luat doar destroy... am reinstalat, am dat remove, am downloadat alt cs si nimicL
Pai nu trebuia sa reinstalezi cs care ti-ai dat ei destroy sh mergea dupa aia nu trebuia sa iei alt cs
Si eu am patit la fel nu stiu ce dq are intru in cs il bag in bara bag codu de silent aim si imi da eroare (half-life laucher has encountered a problem and needs to close.we are sorry for the inconvenience
if you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost
please tell Microsoft about this problem
we have created an error report that yoi can send to us.we will treat this report as confidential and anonymous
Si eu am patit la fel nu stiu ce dq are intru in cs il bag in bara bag codu de silent aim si imi da eroare (half-life laucher has encountered a problem and needs to close.we are sorry for the inconvenience
if you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost
please tell Microsoft about this problem
we have created an error report that yoi can send to us.we will treat this report as confidential and anonymous)
Cand apas pe delete sau end imi iese din jos imi puteti da un sfat?
plzzz dau funda
Cand dau delete sau end imi iese din jos dati-mi si mie un sfat plzzz
Si eu am patit la fel nu stiu ce dq are intru in cs il bag in bara bag codu de silent aim si imi da eroare (half-life laucher has encountered a problem and needs to close.we are sorry for the inconvenience
if you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost
please tell Microsoft about this problem
we have created an error report that yoi can send to us.we will treat this report as confidential and anonymous)
acelasi lucru mi se inampla si mie DE CE OARE?
Eu bag un cod de ex(silent aim) si intru pe un sv indiferent si cand imi da sa aleg echipa imi iese din cs am schimbat vreo 4, 5 cs-uri si tot asa.stie cineva dc?
Frate am patit si eu la fel.
Este foarte usor de rezolvat, reinstaleazati cantarul.
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