10. GTA Vice city
9. Devil May Cry
8. Fifa 13
7. Counter Strike 1.6
6. Metin2
5. League Of Legends(LoL)
3.Gta IV From Liberty City
2. AC 3
1. Saints Row The Third (3)
10.Slender Man The Arrival
9.DmC Devil May Cry
8. Burnout Paradise
7. Split Second
6.Street Fighter X Tekken
5.Assasin's Creed Brotherhood
4.Fifa 13
3.Prototype 2
2.Crysis (toata seria)
1. League of Legends
Cam acesta e topul meu
Nu as putea face un top...este destul de greu datorita faptului ca toate mi-au placut foarte mult...insa voi incerca:
1. Dishonored
2.Fifa 13
3.Crisys 3
4.Dead Space 2
5.Rise of Nations
7.Heroes VI
8. 4story
10.Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, 3, 4
9. Mirror's Edge
8.Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
7.Cabal Online
6.Amnesia The Dark Decent
5.The Walking Dead Survival Instinct
4. World Of Warcraft [server privat Freakz]
3.The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim
2.Batman Arkham City/Arkahm Asylum
1.The Walking Dead [Telltale Games]
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