| DarkLaden a întrebat:

Sall TpU.
Mi-am descarcat gta IV PC » GTA IV PERFECT RIP directplay by globe@ si nu stiu sa-l instalez :
Instructiuni :the freeware freearc is needed to extract thearc file

special notes : - this file don´t support game patches updates
the executable to run the game perfect must
stay with the version that have

- the patch included is a trainer that can let
you apply different things inside the game in case
you want to use it, use the autorun.exe to run
the game for more information

1 - extract the arc file with freearc

2 - move the extracted folder to thew desktop

3 - unzip and move to the desktop the extra files folder then
copy the files and folders inside the folder
like they are to the game folder (front)

4 - open the pc folder and run the Globe Converter.exe

follow the console indications and wait close 50 minutes
until a short music track play in your default mp3 player
indicating the end of the work

5 - go to the front of the game folder and run the autorun.exe
or use the LaunchGTAIV.exe to start


***** enjoy... *****

Minimum System Requirements :

* OS: Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3 / 7
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1. 8Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2. 4Ghz
* Memory: 1.5GB, 9 GB Free Hard Drive Space
* Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900
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Sau cine imi da un link de direct play GTA IV?
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3 răspunsuri:
| KodrutZ a răspuns:

Du-te la lucrarile de toamna la cimp daca nici macar un Google Translate nu esti in stare sa folosesti.

| DarkLaden explică (pentru KodrutZ):

Du-te tu in pi**a mati. Ok?
Nu traduce corect toate propozitiile ca am tradus.
Daca nu raspunzi mai bine nu te baga ca ***-ul in lapte ok?

| KodrutZ a răspuns (pentru DarkLaden):

Nu traduce corect, dar se presupune ca ai creier si poti folosi logica. Ghinion, se pare ca m-am inselat. Plus de asta, e piraterie toata ziua, asa ca o sa raportez intrebarea. Nu de alta, dar daca nu esti in stare sa instalezi ceva piratat, atunci meriti sa cumperi tot ce folosesti.