Gen nfs :
Gran Turismo
SRS (Street Racing Syndicate)
Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
Dirt 3
Test Drive Unlimited
WRC: FIA World Rally Championship
18 Wheel of Steel (toate partile)
F1 2010
Midnight Club II
Richard Burns Rally
Colin McRae
King of the Road
gen gta :
- Total Overdose
- Saints Row
- State of Emergency
- Mafia
- Wheelman ( cu Vin Diesel )
- The Warriors
- Crackdown
- Max Payne
- Just Cause
- True Crime: Streets of L.A.
- True Crime: New York City
- Scarface: The World is Yours
gen hitman :
Call of Duty - toata seriaPrototypeCrysis 1 si 2
Dlta Force - toata seria
Duke Nukem Forever
Pes - toata seria
WolfensteinFar Cry 1 si 2Saints Row 1 si 2Fear 1 si 2
Halo 1 si 2Call of JuarezHalf Life 2Alien vs Predator - toata seria
Medal of HonorAssasin's Creed 1, 2
Devil May Cry 3, 4Spiderman WOS
Shattered Dimensions
Batman Arkham Asylum
Ba da ...lista am luat-o dupa preferinte dupa un site!
...e drept are si scapari, dar in general este facute dupa ce ai cerut
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