Poate ca si cantecul era prea lung si fiind o melodie cu autor cunoscut si incalca conditiile de copyright (cred ca 26 de secunde e maxim!), poate ca si aia cu alcoolul! Trebuie setata (pentru alcool) o varsta minima de 18 ani cand postezi!
Am postat melodia fara video si nu are drept de autor, oricum e de vina video-ul. In video arăta ca stirile cand cantau oamenii si era pe televizorul cuiva si acela care se uita la televizor consuma bautura, dar nu se vedea cand consuma ca se vedea doar mana cand turna si de la spate cand consuma. Cu dreptul de autor nu am problema, dar cu conditii si politici da. Au și ăștia niste drepturi, video-ul de fapt nu e "grav", e normal ca orice video, doar ca astia il vad cu alti ochii, sunt altii care posteaza cu alcool de se rup in doua si video-ul de la melodia respectiva nu se afla pe niciun canal ca oricine ar posta l-ar da jos ca mi l-a dat instant jos.
Autorul nu e cunoscut, nu are copyright sau alte drepturi melodia, video-ul e de vina, oricum ca doar daca postez video-ul il da jos, ca asa am pățit
Înseamnă cenzură, iar libertatea ta de exprimare este doar un privilegiu temporar. Nu un drep
Abia acum am vazut ca mi-au dat si pe Gmail mesaj.
Ma gandeam eu ca l-au mai postat si altii, si daca il posta producatorul, tot il dadea jos.
Your video has been removed from YouTube for a Terms of Service violation because it is a copy of another video that was previously removed from YouTube due to a copyright takedown notice that we received.
This is not a copyright or a Community Guidelines strike. This does not affect your account status. Learn more here.
Below is information about the original copyright takedown notice that we received:
Claimant name: GNOPROD
Please ensure that you have the rights to any video you are uploading to YouTube and that it conforms to our Community Guidelines.
If you disagree with this decision you can reach out to copyright@youtube.com to get the claimant's contact information.
The YouTube team
Abia acum am vazut ca mi-au dat si pe Gmail mesaj cu video-ul.
Your video has been removed from YouTube for a Terms of Service violation because it is "a copy of another video that was previously removed from YouTube due to a copyright takedown" notice that we received.
This is not a copyright or a Community Guidelines strike. This does not affect your account status. Learn more here.
Below is information about the original copyright takedown notice that we received:
Claimant name: GNOPROD
Please ensure that you have the rights to any video you are uploading to YouTube and that it conforms to our Community Guidelines.
If you disagree with this decision you can reach out to copyright@youtube.com to get the claimant's contact information.
The YouTube team
Asta e! Bine ca nu ti-au dat avertisment sau ceva! Am auzit ca multi au fost blocati pentru aiureli.