E ceva normal nu inteleg care e problema ta. visele umede sunt normale la varsta de 15-16 ani, la fel cum si ejacularea atat de rapida dupa o perioada de abstinenta. ia si te masturbeaza stai linistiti toata lumea o face, doar ca nu e nevoie sa abuzezi
Nu trebuie sa faci in fiecare zi.Macar cand te masturbai in trecut iti dadea sperma? Daca nu du-te la un doctor ca s-a facut exces de spermoizi in penis!
Da sperma e din belsug) da faza e ca na tottusi mi se pare prea rapida ejacularea asta
90-95% din barbati se masturbeaza si n-au nici pe dracu'.
Trebuie sa stii ca al medicilor si al psihologilor consens este ca masturbarea este un comportament absolut normal si sanatos. Multe animale se masturbeaza, asa ca e un comportament natural.
Poti incepe cercetarile cu http://www.sfatulmedicului.ro/Sex-si-erotism/ghid-despre-masturbare_701 si cu http://www.sfaturimedicale.ro/istoria-masturbarii.html si cu http://sanatate.bzi.ro/......barii-1757 si cu http://www.sexpert.ro/......ontra.html si cu http://www.anticonceptionale.ro/......istii.html
Shpancer, Noah (29 septembrie 2010). „The Masturbation Gap. The pained history of self pleasure". New York City: Sussex Publishers. Accesat la 27 iunie 2013. „The publication of Kinsey's and Masters and Johnson's research revealed that masturbation was both common and harmless. Many studies have since confirmed this basic truth, revealing in addition that masturbation is neither a substitute for "real" sex nor a facilitator of risky sex." http://www.psychologytoday.com/......bation-gap
Coon, Dennis; Mitterer, John O. (2010) [2007]. „11. Gender and Sexuality". Introduction to Psychology. Gateways to Mind and Behavior (ed. 12th). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. p. 371. ISBN 978-0-495-59911-1. Accesat la 27 iunie 2013. „Fifty years ago, a child might have been told that masturbation would cause insanity, acne, sterility, or other such nonsense. "Self-abuse," as it was then called, has enjoyed a long and unfortunate history of religious and medical disapproval. The modern view is that masturbation is a normal sexual behavior (Bockting & Coleman, 2003). Enlightened parents are well aware of this fact." http://books.google.nl/......ttp?/books