Am gasit ceva aici de B16:
Legume verzi
cereale boabe
Vopsirea orez
Drojdie de bere
(asa mi-a tradus google) :D
Pentru ca problemele semenilor mei sunt ca si problemele mele, am mers cat am putut de departe sa caut un raspuns favorabil.
Iata raspunsul pe care l-am primit in engleza:
"Thank you for writing. I forwarded your note to the doctors for a quick answer. Here it is:
"So-called Vitamin B 16 is not a vitamin. It is a food supplement marketed for athletes. It is a derivative of glycine and also known as dimethylglycine, N, N-Dimethylglycine, dimethylamino acetic acid, N-methylsarcosine or DMG.
There are no known illnesses due to deficiency of this substance. It is a commercial product with no evidence base to support its use. It is from the food group classified for "G" consumers – GULLIBLE consumers!"
I hope this helps.
Judy A. Thomsen
Correspondence Editor
Adventist Review/Adventist World
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Deci vitamina B16 nu este e fapt vitamina, ci este un supliment alimentar.
Probabil asa se explica si faptul ca este gasita atat de rar chiar si pe internet.
B16 nu gasesti, doar in farmacii, sau in lucerna. Iar pentru B1: Salata verde, Telina, Ananas, Usturoi, Porumb, Struguri, etc.
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