B16 nu gasesti, doar in farmacii, sau in lucerna. Iar pentru B1: Salata verde, Telina, Ananas, Usturoi, Porumb, Struguri, etc.
Am gasit ceva aici de B16:
Legume verzi
cereale boabe
Vopsirea orez
Drojdie de bere
(asa mi-a tradus google) :D
Pentru ca problemele semenilor mei sunt ca si problemele mele, am mers cat am putut de departe sa caut un raspuns favorabil.
Iata raspunsul pe care l-am primit in engleza:
"Thank you for writing. I forwarded your note to the doctors for a quick answer. Here it is:
"So-called Vitamin B 16 is not a vitamin. It is a food supplement marketed for athletes. It is a derivative of glycine and also known as dimethylglycine, N, N-Dimethylglycine, dimethylamino acetic acid, N-methylsarcosine or DMG.
There are no known illnesses due to deficiency of this substance. It is a commercial product with no evidence base to support its use. It is from the food group classified for "G" consumers – GULLIBLE consumers!"
I hope this helps.
Judy A. Thomsen
Correspondence Editor
Adventist Review/Adventist World
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Deci vitamina B16 nu este e fapt vitamina, ci este un supliment alimentar.
Probabil asa se explica si faptul ca este gasita atat de rar chiar si pe internet.
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