Probabil pentru că liturghia e arhaică și plictisitoare.
Și eu casc atunci când o aud.
Atunci, schimba biserica stii de ce?
Ma gandesc ca e din cauza duhurilor rele
! U think all this is a coincidence? satan is doing ev to prepare the world for the NWO admit POpe changed the sabath TO FULFILL BIble prophecySpread it like wildfire!
He is now threatening to death the Christian Bible followers? Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness doth Judge and make war.12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself.13 And He was clothed with a vesture dipped with blood: and His name is called "The Word of God". Jesus Christ and His Army will defeat the AntiChrist which is the Pope of Catholicism. 2016-pope-francis-to-christians-accept-change-face-death/
Trebuie sa discerni daca este o problema medicala, spirituala, conjuncturala.
Asta numai tu poti decide.
Am patit si eu de cateva ori:sa -mi pierd cunostinta in spatii aglomerate (metrou, biserica, intruniri, etc.).
Asta incepand din copilarie. Parintii m-au internat la un spital pentru investigatii! Analizele, in cazul meu au iesit excelente (nu am fost banuit de ce ar fi fost mai rau -epilepsia).
Doar ca sunt mai emotional si mai prost dotat cu plamanii, in sensul ca-mi trebuie mai mult aer decat majoritatii.
Pe traseul vietii am ocolit cat am putut spatiile foarte inchise, aglomeratia.
Doar tine cont si de experienta mea, care nu este neaparat nerepetabila.
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