| Derkes a întrebat:

E ok daca alerg seara? Se ard caloriile mai bine?

10 răspunsuri:
| alecsawng01 a răspuns:

Nu are importanta momentul zilei cu randamentul arderii caloriilor laughing eventual doar daca vii seara de la lucru obosit si fara chef si abia alergi, atunci clar e o diferenta, sportul e bun oricand, sunt unii care prefera dimineata pentru ca iti da energie si o stare de bine pe timpul zilei, altii seara pentru ca dormi mai bine.

| RAY a răspuns:

Daca esti barbat fa sport pe stomacul gol

Oamenii pot arde până la 20% mai multă grăsime corporală prin exercitarea dimineața pe stomacul gol, potrivit noilor cercetări.
Într-un studiu publicat online în revista British Journal of Nutrition din 24 ianuarie, cadrele didactice au încercat să afle dacă beneficiile cunoscute ale exercitării după un post de noapte au fost subminate de un apetit crescut și de a mânca mai multe alimente mai târziu în cursul zilei.


| aXy99 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Care e logica? De ce arzi mai mult pe stomacul gol?

| Cosmin86 a răspuns (pentru aXy99):

Trebuie sa intelegi ordinea in care corpul isi ia energie: intai din mancare, apoi glicogenul din ficat si apoi din grasimi.

Dimineata pe stomacul gol, din 3 surse are doar 2 => ajunge mai rapid la arsul grasimilor.

Cred ca asta e logica.

| aXy99 a răspuns (pentru Cosmin86):

Logica asta este eronata. In restul zilei cand mananci, surplusul se va depune inapoi ca grasime.
Si daca imi spui acum ca nu mananci in surplus, inseamna ca oricum ai fi ajuns sa arzi grasime si fara sa faci cardio pe stomacul gol.

| Cosmin86 a răspuns (pentru aXy99):

Ti-am zis ca nu sunt sigur. Atunci de ce se zice ca arzi mai bine grasimi dimineata? E un mit?

| aXy99 a răspuns (pentru Cosmin86):

Eu asa cred. Sunt o gramada de astfel de mituri, multe demitizate.

| RAY a răspuns (pentru Cosmin86):

Researchers, led by Dr Emma Stevenson and PhD student Javier Gonzalez, asked twelve physically active male participants to perform a bout of treadmill exercise at 10am, either after they had eaten breakfast or in a fasted state having not eaten since the evening before.

Following the exercise all participants were given a chocolate milkshake recovery drink. Later in the day, participants were provided with a pasta lunch which they were asked to consume until they felt 'comfortably full'. Their lunchtime consumption of energy and fat was assessed and calculated, taking into account the amount of energy and fat burned during the morning period.

The researchers discovered that those who had exercised in the morning did not consume additional calories or experience increased appetite during the day to compensate for their earlier activity.

They also found that those who had exercised in a fasted state burned almost 20% more fat compared to those who had consumed breakfast before their workout. This means that performing exercise on an empty stomach provides the most desirable outcome for fat loss.

Javier Gonzalez, who is currently undertaking a PhD in Exercise and Metabolism, said: "In order to lose body fat we need to use more fat than we consume. Exercise increases the total amount of energy we expend and a greater proportion of this energy comes from existing fat if the exercise is performed after an overnight fast.

"Our results show that exercise does not increase your appetite, hunger or food consumption later in the day and to get the most out of your session it may be optimal to perform this after an overnight fast."

Dr Emma Stevenson, Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Nutrition and Associate Director of Northumbria University's Brain, Performance and Nutrition Research Centre, added: "This research is very important in helping to provide practical guidelines relating to food intake to individuals who are exercising to maximise fat mass loss. It must be highlighted that this is a short-term study and we can only speculate on the longer term outcomes of such nutritional practices."

| AFR81 a răspuns:

Nu exista un moment al zilei in care caloriile se ard mai eficient. Unii oameni sunt mai eficienti dimineata, altii, printre care si eu, seara. Important e sa alergi, indiferent de perioada din zi.