| IncertitudineaHeisenberg a întrebat:

Bună, TPU! Eu nu am mai avut cont pe aici dar mai citesc pe la categoria asta căci am văzut că mai sunt întrebări interesante. Și chiar mi s-a pus pata pe unii utilizatori de aici. Mulți dintre ei par foarte inteligenți. Știți cumva dacă Inferno sau Sabin89 sunt căsătoriți sau au prietenă? Tocmai m-am despărțit de actualul care e prea banal, microbist, cu toate că arăta el super. Dar mi-am dat seama că nu doar asta caut. Vreau și eu un partener pasionat de fizică, știință, univers, să avem ce discuta. Nu contează din ce zonă a țării.

Desigur ca nu vreau să pară anunț matrimonial. Dar ar fi super dacă mă contactați și în legătură cu asta.

Și acum curiozitatea mea pentru toată lumea care vizitează categoria: Câte iubite a avut Albert Einstein în total? Le învăța măcar pe una dintre ele și despre teoria relativității restrânse? Sau nu ținea cont de inteligența partenerei? Sau dați-mi un documentar ceva unde pot afla, vă rog frumos!

Răspuns Câştigător
| Hombre a răspuns:

Daca esti pasionata de cresterea caprelor esti full option, avem toate sansele sa ni se puna pata reciproc.laughing

14 răspunsuri:
| phantom7 a răspuns:

10. Loved to Sail
When Einstein attended college at the Polytechnic Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, he fell in love with sailing. He would often take a boat out onto a lake, pull out a notebook, relax, and think. Even though Einstein never learned to swim, he kept sailing as a hobby throughout his life.

9. Einstein's Brain
When Einstein died in 1955, his body was cremated and his ashes scattered, as was his wish. However, before his body was cremated, pathologist Thomas Harvey at Princeton Hospital conducted an autopsy in which he removed Einstein's brain. Rather than putting the brain back in the body, Harvey decided to keep it, ostensibly for study. Harvey did not have permission to keep Einstein's brain, but days later, he convinced Einstein's son that it would help science. Shortly thereafter, Harvey was fired from his position at Princeton because he refused to give up Einstein's brain.

For the next four decades, Harvey kept Einstein's chopped-up brain (Harvey had it cut into over 200 pieces) in two mason jars with him as he moved around the country. Every once in a while, Harvey would slice off a piece and send it to a researcher. Finally, in 1998, Harvey returned Einstein's brain to the pathologist at Princeton Hospital.

8. Einstein and the Violin
Einstein's mother, Pauline, was an accomplished pianist and wanted her son to love music too, so she started him on violin lessons when he was six years old. Unfortunately, at first, Einstein hated playing the violin. He would much rather build houses of cards, which he was really good at (he once built one 14 stories high!), or do just about anything else. When Einstein was 13-years old, he suddenly changed his mind about the violin when he heard the music of Mozart. With a new passion for playing, Einstein continued to play the violin until the last few years of his life. For nearly seven decades, Einstein would not only use the violin to relax when he became stuck in his thinking process, he would play socially at local recitals or join in impromptu groups such as Christmas carolers who stopped at his home.

7. Presidency of Israel
A few days after Zionist leader and first President of Israel Chaim Weizmann died on November 9, 1952, Einstein was asked if he would accept the position of being the second president of Israel. Einstein, age 73, declined the offer. In his official letter of refusal, Einstein stated that he not only lacked the "natural aptitude and the experience to deal properly with people," but also, he was getting old.

6. No Socks
Part of Einstein's charm was his disheveled look. In addition to his uncombed hair, one of Einstein's peculiar habits was to never wear socks. Whether it was while out sailing or to a formal dinner at the White House, Einstein went without socks everywhere. To Einstein, socks were a pain because they often would get holes in them. Plus, why wear both socks and shoes when one of them would do just fine?

5. A Simple Compass
When Albert Einstein was five years old and sick in bed, his father showed him a simple pocket compass. Einstein was mesmerized. What force exerted itself on the little needle to make it point in a single direction? This question haunted Einstein for many years and has been noted as the beginning of his fascination with science.

4. Designed a Refrigerator
Twenty-one years after writing his Special Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein invented a refrigerator that operated on alcohol gas. The refrigerator was patented in 1926 but never went into production because new technology made it unnecessary. Einstein invented the refrigerator because he read about a family that was poisoned by a sulphur dioxide-emitting refrigerator.

3. Obsessed Smoker
Einstein loved to smoke. As he walked between his house and his office at Princeton, one could often see him followed by a trail of smoke. Nearly as part of his image as his wild hair and baggy clothes was Einstein clutching his trusty briar pipe. In 1950, Einstein is noted as saying, "I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs," Although he favored pipes, Einstein was not one to turn down a cigar or even a cigarette.

2. Married His Cousin
After Einstein divorced his first wife, Mileva Maric, in 1919, he married his cousin, Elsa Loewenthal (nee Einstein). How closely were they related? Quite close. Elsa was actually related to Albert on both sides of his family. Albert's mother and Elsa's mother were sisters, plus Albert's father and Elsa's father were cousins. When they were both little, Elsa and Albert had played together; however, their romance only began once Elsa had married and divorced Max Loewenthal.

1. An Illegitimate Daughter
In 1901, before Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric were married, the college sweethearts took a romantic getaway to Lake Como in Italy. After the vacation, Mileva found herself pregnant. In that day and age, illegitimate children were not uncommon and yet they were also not accepted by society. Since Einstein did not have the money to marry Maric nor the ability to support a child, the two were not able to get married until Einstein got the patent job over a year later. So as not to besmirch Einstein's reputation, Maric went back to her family and had the baby girl, whom she named Lieserl.

Although we know that Einstein knew about his daughter, we don't actually know what happened to her. There are but just a few references of her in Einstein's letters, with the last one in September 1903. It is believed that Lieserl either died after suffering from scarlet fever at an early age or she survived the scarlet fever and was given up for adoption. Both Albert and Mileva kept the existence of Lieserl so secret that Einstein scholars only discovered her existence in recent years.

| phantom7 a răspuns (pentru phantom7):

Si mie mi s-a pus pata pe tine esti o frumusete de fata

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Vrei sa stii care e in pragul andropauzei?

| RAY a răspuns:

Despre cei doi nu stiu, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein
posibil ca i povestea ce a descoperit

| doctorandus a răspuns:

Unii sugereaza ca teoria relativitatii restranse ar fi scris-o prima lui nevasta.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Vrei un partener pasionat de fizica, stiinta si univers ca sa poti discuta cu el detalii despre viata sexuala a lui Albert Einstein...

Cat despre cei doi, incearca sa le trimiti un mesaj. Daca au juniorii blocati, pur si simplu raspunde-le la o intrebare la care au raspuns si ei. Spune-le ca esti singurica si fascinata de viata sexuala a lui Isaac Newton sau Arhimede.

| sublime89 a răspuns:

Nu stiu despre iubite, dar poti citi aici despre sotiile lui:
Prima: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mileva_Mari%C4%87
A doua: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsa_Einstein

| Vizitiul a răspuns:

Iti prevad un viitor cu multi de "ex-ul" la purtator...

| Hombre a răspuns (pentru Vizitiul):

Mai neica, am crezut si n-am crezut, inca esti viu? Pe unde umbli stafie?

| relian a răspuns:

Daca cauti un partener si esti curioasa de cineva de oriunde contacteazal in privat, cel putin asa e frumos. Sper ca nu te superi pentru observatia asta. Legat de Einstein nu stiu cite iubite, neveste a avut dar cu siguranta daca una din ele ar fi fost interesata de ceva sa stie fii sigura ca el i-a explicat exact pe intelesul ei sia inteles, a fost lamurita clar.Normal ca tinea cont de capacitatea de intelegere a unei persoane ca nu era batut in cap.Am vazut odata un film dar nu mai stiu exact era vorba de un chimist daca nu ma insel si tipul de la un balcon la o sala din asta de dans ii explica unei tipe curioase de ce el cerceta cum are loc acel fenomen. Iara asta cercetatorul de sus ia aratat pe viu folosind dansatorii exact cum are loc fenomenul.Deci trebuie sa si fii ceva pedagog sa poti face chestia asta.Dar eu personal cred,parerea mea ca daca ai inteles pe deplin un fenomen,un lucru este imposibil sa nu poti face o alta persoana sa priceapa acel fenomen, lucru.P aici nu cred ca o sa gasesti pe cineva capabil de asemenea performante, adica sa iti explice folosind cuvintele lui, sau dind exemple din natura, din viata de zi cu zi in explicarea vreunui fenomen.Nu,aici vei gasi doar formule, definitii pe care le gaseste oricine da un clik pe google sau mai stiu eu unde.cam asa stau lucrurile pe aici vine care cum apuca si arunca tot cei vine la mina dar luate din carti, de pe wiki si asa mai departe.Dar pe de alta parte e ceva normal ca oamenii astia pe care unia din noi ii cauta nu stau ei pe TPU sau in general pe net sa explice nu stiu ce unora.Sa fim seriosi dar asta este adevarul.Noi de pe aici ce putem face? Unia din noi au intr-adevar anumite cunostinte, ori inteleg anumite fenomene dar nu intru totul si asa fragmente, bucati si ar fi bine ca fiecare sa vina si sa puna bucata lui si uite asa cu ceva e la unu, altceva de alatu poate putem face pe majoritatea sa priceapa ceea ce este nelamurit pentru el.Eu pe aici asta fac, citesc si retin anumite idei, bucati care sint reale si caut sa le pun gramada s sa imi explic ce ma nelamureste.Ca pe bune acum pe aici daca se incepe o discutie se ajunge la altceva, la injuraturi la luari peste picior si etc.

| Vizitiul a răspuns (pentru Hombre):

Aoleuuu! Stau la panda cu prastia nenica. Nu credeam ca mai zaresc vreun lunetist pe aici. Ce-ti starneste interesul?

| Polaris a răspuns:

Le miezul nopții îți fur chiloții.

| Hombre a răspuns (pentru Vizitiul):

Asa ca vechi combatanti pe aici. Amintiri de alta data.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Albert a avut un mic harem, in fistecare zi a saptamanii cate una.cel mai mult o iubea pe Dumana.era ultima si era liber.