A, da, ia seteaza si la serverele de DNS ale conexiunii de WiFi de pe calculator.
Posibil sa fie router-ul de vina, am avut eu o problema ca era baia intre camerele in care se afla router si calculator, si de fiecare data cand se ducea cineva la baie imi pica net-ul.
Este evident ca problema ta e legata de semnal slab. (distanta)
Eu din cate imi amintesc am schimbat stick-ul, apoi router, apoi am mutat calculatorul. (dar nu-s sigura cum s-a rezolvat problema)
Cumpara un WiFi repeater. Daca stii ce faci poti sa cumperi un router vechi la mana a doua si faci repeater din el.
Mulțumesc mult o sa încerc mai târziu, sper sa meargă
This has been a PAIN in the rear for everyone. But we may have discovered the fix. Seems Windows 10 2004 or it's Cumulative update has added some registry keys that appears to be the problem. We checked all our Domain computers and the 2004s had these keys but the 1909 - 1809 computers did not have these reg keys, so they must have been recently added.
Run RegEdit
1. Open Registry Editor
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityStatusIndicator
Look for "DisablePassivePolling" or "NoActiveProbe"
3. Modify the DisablePassivePolling registry key's value data from "1" to "0" (1 disables this PassivePolling)
We checked many of the computers on our Domain, that upgraded to Windows 10 2004 had this registry key and it was set to "1". Also some of these machines had a key "NoActiveProbe" set to "1", (We switched to "0" fixing them)
One workstation with 2004 had no problems at all, looking in its registry HKLM\software\policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityStatusIndicator and there was nothing but a Default key.
These services reachout to a Microsoft DNS server to verify that the internet is accessible however if they are disabled then they won't work. So Thanks Microsoft.
Hope this helps.
Defender of the Universe