| silviu1994 a întrebat:

am urmatoare intrebare cu Full screen blue in care apare aceea eroare iar la mine apare:
*** Stop: 0x0000003b
*** win32k.sys - Adress FFFFFk0001c7baf

Ce pot face sa scap de aceasta eroare?
Va rog! astept opiniile voastre!

Răspuns Câştigător
| necdannec a răspuns:

The error always came from the win32k.sys file:

*** STOP: 0x0000008E (0xc0000005,...)
*** win32k.sys - Address BF8E270C base at BF800000, DateStamp...

I did a lot of web searches and found many users writing about similar problems. Upgrading the video driver as many sites suggested did not improve the situation but finally I found this Microsoft feedback entry. It got my attention because the users were working on notebooks with 2GB memory and Core 2 Duo processors too.

After I uninstalled the IntelliPoint mouse driver three days ago my system did not crash anymore – nice!

4 răspunsuri:
| al3xander a răspuns:

Posibil ca e o problema de la driver-ul de la placa video, incearca sa-l reinstalezi.

| silviu1994 explică:

Din pacate nu am acel driver sad dar cred ca este vorba de un anume virus sau ceva de genu si nu stiu cum sa rezolv problema!

| silviu1994 explică (pentru necdannec):

Thanks you, love you tongue