Masina BMW Vision Next 100 a fost deja lansata in Martie 2016 ca CONCEPT, adica nu se va face productie de masini cu modelul asta.
"March 10, 2016
Revealed: the BMW ‘Vision Next 100’ concept
BMW celebrates 100 years this week. Here’s the car that’ll lead the party
BMW’s vision for the next 100 years is a sporting saloon.
Not an SUV, not a hypercar, not a nuclear-powered flying car. Sports saloons are, says Adrian von Hooydonk, ‘the core’ of BMW.
But the BMW Vision Next 100, to give the car its full name, is also autonomous, shape-shifting and powered by something they won’t name.
Just like the i8 Spider revealed at CES in January, it has two modes. You drive or it drives.
But even when you’re driving, you’re in ‘boost mode’ - boosted into a hero driver. Augmented-reality guides you, projecting the ideal steering line and speed onto the windscreen.
The augmented-reality display will also project hidden hazards into your field of view. BMW’s example is a cyclist obscured by a truck. An image of the cyclist is projected onto your windscreen, making the truck magically semi-transparent.
If even that is all too difficult, or you have other things to do, switch to ‘ease mode’. The steering quadrant folds away and the chairs swivel around so you can kick back and get on with life."
Și de exemplu in viitor se vor lansa mașini BMW asemănătoare ca astea?
La ce se referă când zic concepție?, gen de exemplu lucrează la o mașina care arată ca o nava spațială și o lansează in 2050, sau concepție sunt doar idei nu și vor fi lansate in viitor
100 de ani, ai rabdare, vorba lui nea Mărin (Amza Pellea) in ( două) 2, 3000 de ani vine rîndul la toată lumea, aia e.
Concept, nu conceptie.
"concept" - un model facut special pentru expozitie, care nu va intra niciodata in productia de serie.