| roby0067 a întrebat:

Cum pot avea net la tableta? Vreau sa imi cumpar o tableta la 16 milioane cu memorie de 16 GB dar vreau sa am si net peste tot unde ma duc. Funda + vot!

Răspuns Câştigător
| AlexxoDany a răspuns:

Nu prea sunt de acord cu NAMOLOS si scuze daca am insel, dar daca ai placa de retea inclusa cum zice el atunci a net doar in zonele cu wirelles; verifica daca ai 3G...adica daca poti sa ii pui o cartela pentru internet.

5 răspunsuri:
| NAMOLOS a răspuns:

Simplu... vezi ca tableta ta sa aiba o placa de retea inclusa in hadrware, adica sa aiba wireless si gata, poti prinde net oriunde este free

| NAMOLOS a răspuns (pentru AlexxoDany):

Wireless =no money
By now, most on-the-go workers have cut the cord by moving to wireless. Wi-Fi has become the dominant wireless Internet access method, embedded in nearly every laptop sold today. Older cellular services were just too slow for widespread Internet access, but 3G services like EV-DO and HSDPA have dissolved that barrier. In this tip, we discuss how to choose a wireless Internet access method that will best meet your own access needs, work style and budget.
OR.We believe that the wireless future will include a mix of heterogeneous wireless access technologies.
Moreover, we expect that the two worldviews will converge such that vertically integrated service
providers will integrate WiFi or other WLAN technologies into their 3G or wireline infrastructure
when this makes sense. We are, perhaps, less optimistic about the prospects for decentralized,
bottom–up networks—however, it is interesting to consider what some of the roadblocks are to the
emergence of such a world. The latter sort of industry structure is attractive because it is likely to be
quite competitive, whereas the top–down vertically integrated service-provider model may—but need
not be—less so. The multiplicity of potential wireless access technologies and/or business models
provides some hope that we may be able to realize robust facilities-based competition for broadband
local access services. If this occurs, it would help solve the ‘‘last mile’’ or ‘‘last kilometer’’8
competition problem that has bedeviled telecommunications policy.

| roby0067 explică (pentru AlexxoDany):

Ms nu era vorba de cost dar am nevoie peste tot fara sa prind retea wirlles si da am 3G big grin

| AlexxoDany a răspuns (pentru NAMOLOS):

Asta poate in tarile cat de cat civilizate dar la noi in Romania inca nu gasesti internet oricunde vrei pentru ca inca nu s'au amplasat puncte wirelles prin orase. Din cate am inteles acest lucru a fost propus de RDS-RCS dar si asa trebuie sa fii abonat al lor la serviciul de internet home si te duci si ceri un password pe care il poti folosi doar tu.

| MYK3 a răspuns:

Cam in 16 mil nu stiu pe la 18 esti galaxy tab 7.0 plus dar la 16 thinking nu sunt sigur