| deu4787 a întrebat:

Ma poate ajuta cineva cu un Nokia Lumia 710? Il am si nu stiu cum pot pune ca ton de apel o alta melodie decat cele de baza. Precizez ca am luat din calculator melodii dar atat. Mai mult nu am stiut sa fac.
Multumesc anticipat!

11 răspunsuri:
| Maryann a răspuns:

Ar trebui sa intri in fisierul cu muzica si si dai pe melodia pe care o vrei, intri in obtiuni si trebuie sa fie ca vrei sa o setezi ca ton de apel.

| Borbely_Stefano_1988 a răspuns:

Acceasi intrebare o am si eu....nu reusesc sa pun un ton de apel decat cele de baza.....ai reusit cumva?

| deu4787 explică (pentru Borbely_Stefano_1988):

Nuuuuuuuu crying( nu am reusit. si legat de Maryann, nu are astfel de obtiuni. nu reusesc si nu o sa reusesc niciodata crying( asa am eu o vaga impresie!

| denisasfijgndsakb a răspuns:

La precizarea ta vreau sa aflu si eu cum ai facut sa pui melodii din calculator melodii pe tell vreau sa aflu plsss funda

| denisasfijgndsakb a răspuns:

Vreau sa aflu cum ai pus melodii de pe calculator pe telefon

| denisasfijgndsakb a răspuns (pentru deu4787):

Dar cum ai pus melodii de pe calculator pe telefon?

| misterc555 a răspuns (pentru denisasfijgndsakb):

Este un program zune pe care il instalezi, iar prin el pui melodii pe telefon. dupa ce ai instalat zune tragi melodiile in zune de pe calculator in albums, ai sa le vezi apoi le tragi in telefon ca ai sa il vezi in stanga jos. zune trebuie instalat cu cablu de date in calculator si telefon, dureaza putin mai mult. dupa iti faci cont in zune.

| PiTbulL26 a răspuns:

Uite aici un mic ajutor de la mine. Sper sa iti fie de folos, pentru ca mie mi-a fost. http://www.nokia-club.ro/......710800900/

| Kittymic a răspuns:

Add or create ringtones

You can use your own ringtones so you can match your jingle to your mood, or match just the right tune to your contacts. Just make sure the audio file is:

In MP3 or WMA format.
Less than 40 seconds.
Less than 1 MB.
Not protected with digital rights management (DRM).
To make any file that fits these criteria into a ringtone, all you have to do is assign it the genre of ringtone. If you have a PC, you'll use the Zune software. If you don't have the Zune software on your computer, see Install the Zune software. On a Mac, use iTunes to assign the genre, and then sync the file using the Windows Phone Connector for Mac. To learn more, see Sync and get updates with my Mac.

To add a ringtone to your phone
Connect your phone to your computer using a cable, and then sync the file to your phone.

On Start, flick left to the App list, then tap Settings > Ringtones + sounds.

Tap the Ringtone list, then find the new ringtone you just added.

To create a ringtone using the Zune software
Open the Zune software and find the file you want to turn into a ringtone.

Right-click the file, and then click Edit.

In the GENRE list, click or type ringtone, then click OK.

Connect your phone to your computer using a cable, and then sync the file to your phone.

On Start, flick left to the App list, then tap Settings > Ringtones + sounds.

Tap the Ringtone list, then find the new ringtone you just added.

To see the length, size, and genre of a file in the Zune software, go to Collection > Music > Songs, then click CHOOSE COLUMNS. Select the Genre, Length, and Size check boxes, then click OK.

To create a ringtone using iTunes
Open iTunes.

Find the file you want to edit, and then click File > Get Info.

On the Info tab, under Genre, type ringtone, then click OK.

Open the Windows Phone Connector for Mac, connect your phone to your computer using a cable, and then sync the file to your phone.

On Start, flick left to the App list, then tap Settings > Ringtones + sounds.

Tap the Ringtone list, then find the new ringtone you just added.

To add a ringtone from a text message
Tap Get media content now in the text message to download the ringtone file.

Tap and hold the ringtone file, and then tap Save as ringtone.

Rename the ringtone, if you want to, then tap OK.

| FFG454 a răspuns:

Eu am Nokia Lumia 710 si ca sa setezi ringtone pe el trebuie sa descarci aplicatia de pe marketplace: Ringtone Maker.

| FFG454 a răspuns (pentru misterc555):

Da dar nu poti sa pui ringtone asa, eu recomand Ringtone Maker de pe marketplace.