| DeniiMeow a întrebat:

Funda. Helau. Vreau si eu traducerea de la melodia Dub Fx-Love Someone.

Its possible to love someone
and not treat them in the way that you want
its possible to see your eyes
be the devil in disguise
with another front-end

its possible to change this world
revolutionize the boys and girls
its possible to educate the next generation
ever rule the world someday now

its possible to love someone
and not treat them in the way that you want
its possible to see your eyes
be the devil in disguise
with another front-end

its possible to change this world
revolutionize the boys and girls
its possible to educate the next generation
ever rule the world

now the changing times of the 21th century
means nothing to me cause I would rather be
at the beginning of time
earth would be mine livin in luxury-hee
discovering a world out there
believing in the sun, earth, water and air
take me there
so I can see the world bloom
standing on a sea cliff howling at the moon
creating a world for the open minded
a unique perception a true decided
I know we can find it
its a matter of where and when we collectively decided

the world is not a vicious place
its just the way we've been raised
discovering time and space
I know we that could make a change
rearrange the way that we appreciate the world today

its possible to love someone
and not treat them in the way that you want
its possible to see your eyes
be the devil in disguise
with another front-end

its possible to change this world
revolutionize the boys and girls
its possible to educate the next generation
ever rule the world someday

someday somedayiiiiee someday dayyyyiiiiyeeeaaoo

now as I start to put my mind into words
I stall I fall im losing it all
my inhibition the thought of wasting away
the fact that the music's at a place not far away yet i stray
stick to my world
in love with my life my beliefs and my girl
but is it luck that our love is crazy
place the human race to get me wrong i still think we could change
but this life
the fact that time exists
were here
we don't come equipped with it all

half the fun is learning
im having a ball
the world keeps turning
my road is small but I make a change
I hope youre feeling the same way
I'll be sayin' say what i say

its possible to love someone
and not treat them in the way that you want
its possible to see your eyes
be the devil in disguise
with another front-end

its possible to change this world
revolutionize the boys and girls
its possible to educate the next generation
ever rule the world

somedayyayyh somedayayay

in this concrete jungle we live
our survival is love that we give
now my instincts has got in my way
its true what they say
the world is your chance to create

this concrete jungle we live
our survival is love that we give
now my instincts has got in my way
screw what they say
the world is your chance to create
this concrete jungle we live
our survival is love that we give
now my instincts has got in my way
screw what they say
the world is your chance to create

this concrete jungle we live
our survival is love that we give
now my instincts has got in my way
screw what they say
the world is your chance to create

its possible to love someone
and not treat them in the way that you want
its possible to see your eyes
be the devil in disguise
with another front-end

its possible to change this world
revolutionize the boys and girls
its possible to educate the next generation
ever rule the world someday

its possible to love someone
and not treat them in the way that you want
its possible to see your eyes
be the devil in disguise
with another front-end

its possible to change this world
revolutionize the boys and girls
its possible to educate the next generation
ever rule the world

someday-he-ey somedayiy somedayiyiyïy somedaaaayayay

Răspuns Câştigător
| xl0llip0px a răspuns:

Este posibil să iubeşti pe cineva şi să nu il tratezi în modul în care doresti e posibil de a vedea ochii tai fiind diavolici cu o alta fata si un alt spate...este posibil sa schimbi această lume, de a revolutiona băieţii şi fetele este posibil sa educi generaţia următoare si chiar sa conduci lumea vreodata acum.(aici se repeta iarasi cele 2 strofe) acum schimbarea secolului 21 nu inseamna nimic pentru mine pentru ca aş fi mai degrabă la începutul pământului si lumea ar fi a mea as descoperi o lume noua acolo, crezând în soare, pământ, apă şi aer. ia-ma acolo, aşa Eu pot vedea lumea inflorind stind pe o stâncă mare pot urla la lună creind o lume pentru mintile deschise cu percepţie unica cu adevarat decisa Ştiu că putem o putem găsi este o chestiune problematica unde şi când colectiv noi am decis...Lumea nu este un loc vicios.este doar felul in care noi ne-am ridicat descoperind timpul si spatiul, stiu ca putem schimba ceva rearanjind felul in care lumea apreciaza astazi ceva.(iarasi cele 2 strofe de la inceput). acum am inceput sa-mi exprim mintea prin cuvinte.cad si pierd totul, inhibitia mea gindesc ca se pierde departe, adevar este ca locul muzicii nu este departe de mintea mea. este lumea mea.imi iubesc viata, fata si sunt convins mereu. dar este oare un noroc ca dragostea asta e nebuna? iti dtaduc miine a doua parte. tata striga la mine sa inchid computerul.imi pare rau

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