Vineri 13, Screeam, Orphan, The last resort.Gata iti ajunge, apoi nu vei mai avea somn la noapteVizionare placuta!
The Unborn, One missed call, Mirrors, My bloody valentine's, Tamara, Hannibal Lector, Zombieland[asta e si horror si comedie ]
The house.Acesta este likul eu zic sa te uiti maine la el, daca nu vrei sa adormi maine la ore:)).
Drag me to hell,
Halloween 2
The messengers
Messengers 2: The Scarecrow
Jennifer’s Body
Friday the 13th
My Bloody Valentine
The Unborn
The Unborn, The Orphanage, The Uninvited, A nightmare on Elm Street [toate sunt superbe], Pulse, Venom, Thir13een ghosts, The Ruins, The Ring, Shutter, Silent Hill
The grudge 1, 2, 3, 4 :X [ Mai ales 3 ]
One Missed Call [ mi-a placut nu e foarte inspaimantator... dar sa-ti inchizi telefonul
Scary Movie [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Jennifer`s Body
Chucky [ Toata seria :X]
Saw 1 2 3 4 5 6
Room 1408
Friday the 13th
The catacombs
House of wax
Chucky 1, 2, 3... sotia lui chucky
Silent Hill
Paranormal Activity
Cel mai de groaza film pe care l-am vazut a fost,, the grudge" la celelalte 2 parti nu m-am mai putut uita
the room 1408(trebuie sa il vezi asta) --! videos=HdUSiSZJvpY&v=qiD5MHA5F1s
13 hours in a warehouse----------! videos=HdUSiSZJvpY&v=qiD5MHA5F1s! v=mGfk2FloTdE&feature=related
A nightmare on elm street---! v=97h_Oj6PotM&feature=channel
house of wax-----
Paranormal Activity ----! v=OSSqxrh5kp8&feature=channel
drag me to hell -----! videos=ezx5wGEY02I&v=BUZTybLlWKI
the curious case of Benjamin Button------! playnext=1&playnext_from=TL&videos=XRACu8JmNuE&v=cIAlzm-vE-U
The Eye---! videos=ZjjA-gGslgM&v=vjxa9gSjpJA
Nu stiu daca ai vazut avionul morti este un film cu adevarat de groaza eu ni m-am uitat ca-s prea mica si am vazut doar cateva parti din el nu este 100% de groaza
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