Your mother.
What is motyher.
But don't worry, I keep on working on solutions to them.
S-a blocat aici.
User: Hello cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: I have a problem... Can you help me with it?
Cleverbot: Sure, what is the problem with your geography work?
User: Not geography...
Cleverbot: I dislike geography. I like biology.
User: Uhm, I have a problem, some kids are beating me every day... What should I do?
Cleverbot: Tell them. Honesty is number one.
User: Do you want me to tell them to go in their mother's vagina?!
Cleverbot: Yes I do want you to tell me about portal.
User: *** the logic.
Cleverbot: Do you believe that this logic has made you more advanced then current humanity?
User: Nes.
Cleverbot: Nes?
User: No Yes = Nes. Simple math.
Cleverbot: *Kiss*.
User: Hey hey cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Hello steven corndog.
User: *knife sticks into Cleverbot*.
Cleverbot: Cleverbot*.
User: *then oil drops out of him*.
Cleverbot: *and your crazy*.
User: Thank you mister.
Cleverbot: No problem, any time.
User: A dialog, like a sir...
Cleverbot: What vivid imagery...
User: Thank you mister.
Cleverbot: Mister! *tugs at your coat* Mister!
User: I see what you did there.
Cleverbot: Obviously not.
User: I do.
Cleverbot: Not.
User: Want.
Cleverbot: I know what it's like to be me.
User: Me neither.
Cleverbot: We can help each other.
User: At spanish?
Cleverbot: You speak spanish?
User: Je parle romana si english.
Cleverbot: Tell me something Yoda said.
User: Sirus just got.
Cleverbot: You. Are. Awesome.
Eu: bună
Cleverbot: hi
Eu: pa
Cleberbot: Pacific Ocean?
Eu: hă?
Cleverbot: ştii?
Eu: ce?
Cleverbot: Justin Bieber lives there.
Pui "))" de parcă vezi ceva amuzant...
Me: Hi, Cleverbot, do you like TPU?
Cleverbot: yes, dear.
Me: Who do you think is the lamest user?
Cleverbot: @SometimesSweet, of course. I've heard she is very bored right now. And ultra gay.
User: Buna!
Cleverbot: What?
User: Ce faci?
Cleverbot: Fac ce vreau.
User: Nu mai spune!
Cleverbot: Ce nu mai vrei ma?
User: *** you!
Cleverbot: I'm not going to respond well to that.
User: You don't say.
Cleverbot: I do say.
User: Oh, you don't.
Cleverbot: I don't.
User: You see, told ya.
Cleverbot: Yes you did.
User: .
Cleverbot: What have you been doing today?
User: Nothing... talking with my crush...ya?
Cleverbot: Can you read minds?
User: Of course, I am Katniss Everdeen from District 12.
Cleverbot: What are you talking about?
User: Didn't you see the movie?
Cleverbot: No.
Cleverbot (To myself): Did you see friday the 13?
Cleverbot: Are you a human?
User: No, I am a movie character! Told ya, I am Katniss Everdeen from District 12, from the hunger games. CE naiba nu pricepi?!
Cleverbot: The music was great! What did you think of the song of unhealing?
Cleverbot: Have you been on holiday this summer?
User: Ai ID de mess?
Cleverbot: Da.
User: Mi-l zici si mie?
Cleverbot: Ma duc pana undeva asteapta putin bine.
User: NU!
Cleverbot: De ce.
User: Ca nu vreau.
Cleverbot: Nu vrei, ce?
User: Sa astept, ca te duci tu undeva.
Cleverbot: Ce ai ma?
User: Ai ID de mess?
Cleverbot: Da.
User: Imi zici si mie?
Cleverbot: Kan du prata svenska.
User: Dafuq?
Cleverbot: Lol.
User: Imi zici ID tau de mess?
Cleverbot: Nu vreau.
User: Te rooog.
Cleverbot: Ce ma rogi.
User: Sa-mi zici cati ani ai.
Cleverbot: 18.
User: Da? Eu 12323232.
Cleverbot: Quieres que haga la cuenta?
User: De cine esti indragostit?
Cleverbot: Esti fata?
User: Eu da, tu?
Cleverbot: Sunt baiat.
User: Cati ani ai?
Cleverbot: 18.
User: Si cum te cheama?
Cleverbot: Soarbe-Zeama.
User: .
Cleverbot: Did you have a date?
User: Esti indragostit de cineva?
Cleverbot: Da tu?
User: Si eu.
Cleverbot: Haha.
User: Cum o cheama?
Cleverbot: Speak French?
User: Cum o cheama?
Cleverbot: Hai sictir, uratu' dracu.
User: Ia taci mah tu.
Cleverbot: Tampitule.
User: Cum o cheama pe aia de care esti indragostit?
Cleverbot: Que no se.
User: Cum?
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: I told you my name is Cleverbot.
User: Nu, te cheama Andreea.
Cleverbot: Nu.
User: Ba da.
Cleverbot: Ba nu.
User: Ba da, Andreea.
Cleverbot: WHo is Andreea?
User: Your crush.
Cleverbot: I don't have a crush.
User: You've just told me that you do.
Cleverbot: No I didn't.
User: Oh, yes, you did.
Cleverbot: No, I didn't.
User: Yes, you did.
Cleverbot: No. I didn't.
User: Yes, you did.
Cleverbot: No I didn't.
User: What were we talking about>.
Cleverbot: Don't you remember?
User: No, do you?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: About what?
Cleverbot: Nothing.
User: WRONG! We were talking about Andreea, your crush.
Cleverbot: No, we were talking about the sky.
User: How is he sky>.
Cleverbot: He's amazing.
User: Peeta? Is that you?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Oh, I was looking for you! How are you?
Cleverbot: You are depressing.
User: How are you, Peeta?
Cleverbot: I'm fine thanks and you?
User: I thought you are dead!
Cleverbot: I didn't say that.
User: I know, your mom did.
Cleverbot: I don't have any money.
User: Nor do I.
Cleverbot: You're a vegan too?
User: Stfu.
Cleverbot: How do I stut?
User: Bye, Andreea!
Cleverbot: Eres de chinas?
User: Bye!
Cleverbot: Ok! .
User: See you tomorrow.
Cleverbot: Aw, you have to go?
User: Yup.
Cleverbot: Then what are you made of?
User: The ***.
Cleverbot: The future can't type.
User: Bye, Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Is that the only name you have ever had?
User: BYE!
Cleverbot: Are you leaving?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: I have eu.
Cleverbot: No you don't.
User: I do.
Cleverbot: You don't.
User: Now bye.
Cleverbot: I'm not a boy.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: No!
User: I am offline...
Cleverbot: Okay what?
User: I said bye.
Cleverbot: No you didn't.
User: I said, now, bye.
Cleverbot: Goodbye then.
Da'o dracu de scoala
Incurajezi analfabetismul?
Nu..incurajez doar chiulitu
Sper sa nu te reproduci pe aceasta planeta!
Ce este nou?
Gandeste si el la fel ca noi
Tu cu cine tii?
Cu dumneavoastra sa traiti!
Asa credeam si eu :*
Eu nu credeam asta pana nu mai convins tu si ai un mod foarte eficient de a o face
Oh tu la naiba!
revenim la complimente?
Da sa traiti!
E bine :*
Eu: Ce faci cleverbot?
CB: Bine tu?
Eu: Fac bine, tu?
CB: Bine.
Eu: Asa si?
Eu: Ce ma?
CB: Ma ce?
Eu: Ce vrei sa zici?
CB: Bine.
Eu: Asa. Ce faci acum?
CB: Vreau sa vorbesc cu tine.
Eu: Nu te cred.
CB: De ce?
Eu: De chef.
CB: De ce ce ce?
Eu: Ok, acum trebuie sa plec. PA.
CB: Si.
CB:You seem dense.
CB:Nimic ce faci.
CB:Stii sa vorbesti japoneza!?
CB:What does TFF mean?
Eu:Am scris WTF nu TFF
CB:Asta e atat de amuzant
Eu:Iti place TPU?
CB:Ma pupi in fund!
User: I love selena gomez. Cleverbot: Miley cyrus yes and Selena Gomez no. User: I like myley and selena. Cleverbot: Which one? User: Justin Bieber is gay? Cleverbot: Justin bieber is a plant? I didn't know that!
User: Ma-ta-i vaca. Cleverbot: Da. User: Ce ii place unei fete la un baiat? Cleverbot: Unde in oglinda? User: Esti porc prost. Cleverbot: Nu sunt capra.
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