Gugăl transleit iz dă uărst transleitor evăr.Iu cant uz it tu transleit enithing, it dozănt meic sens, end ivăn ă 5th greidăr chen transleit betăr.Băt dat iz giust mai opiniăn.
Năw uit heem trensteteibel iz maighty cultuire, bicauz iu chen telc engliş tu iidiăts uo du năt năw engliş.
( Now with him translatable is mighty culture, because you can talk to idiots who do not know English. )
Ai stil tinc det ivăn idiăts nău ingliș betăr den gugăl transleit dăz(ixept mai clasmeits).Ai uondăr hu meid gugăl ud bi understandăbăl if it wăs ăn ămericăn.(căuz americăns ar dumb)
(I still think that even idiots know to translate better than google translate does(except my classmates).I wonder who made google would be understandable if it was an american(because americans are dumb))
Gugal transleit sacs, bicaz it dazant cnou hau tu transleit, for exampel frenci, bicaz ai dont hev accentele at mai tastatura
E bun doar pentru cuvinte.Frazele sunt traduse in mod patetic.Bafta cu traducerile!
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