Cum sa moara phoebe tonkin?
voi credeti tot ce se scrie pe net?
doamne fereste!
daca a murit cum de sunt poze facute de curand cu ea? si cum filmeaza pentru serialul h2o? in septembrie o sa apara Sezonul 3 h2o just add water cum ar mai aparea daca ea ar fi murit? ca doar nu e clona ei cea care joaca rolul lui cleo sertori
sa fim putin seriosi ...NORMAL CA NU A MURIT! voi nu va dati seama ca o afecteaza toate barfele astea? cica a murit. uni chiar nu mai au ce sa scrie pe site-uri spun
Chiar credeti ca a murit? Va inselati! Daca ar fi murit ar fi dat la stiri sau undeva pe Jetix. Si in plus exista revista h2o iar acolo cu siguranta ar fi scris si nu scrie! Eu nu cred asa ceva si sunt sigura ca nu e adevarat altfel pe Wikipedia ar fi scris nascuta in 1989 decedata in 2008 sau 2009.Totusi Doamne Fereste de asemenea tragedi. Fani Phoebe stati linistiti! Si apropo inca se filmeaza la sezonul 3 h2o.
Yes''safe''died when a pig to fly, as you say, even last week had a live interview to be about a third series h2o - just add water channel for children Nikoldeon so if he died''as I say''. who is present at the interview and gave autographs and over. fantoma them? I watched the interview live and was present in that day because it was displaying the time, and I looked even though it was in English because I know English very well because I studied in private and now I have problems. So I just say freak, you better think and you will document, but given that Phoebe is alive and I've said is dead yes evidence that you have no brain. Am I right? I know because as it is.