Întrebare recomandată | NOname a întrebat:

...şi de cei, care spun că iubesc animalele, dar le mănâncă, chiar şi după ce află prin ce chinuri trec ele.

634 răspunsuri:
| NOname explică:

"OVER TWO THOUSAND GALLONS OF WATER IS NEEDED to produce a pound of meat, and a gallon of milk. and now, this overuse of our resources has caused water scarcity for half the people on this planet. the link is below. please, think about the consequences of your actions. MEAT & DAIRY USE AND ABUSE TOO MUCH TO BE SUSTAINABLE. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"HANAKO, THE LONE AND DEPRESSED ELEPHANT IN A JAPANESE ZOO, HAS DIED after 60 years of isolation. a link is below. and now we must tell them to not get another one to make suffer. please sign and share below, so we can speak for these incredible beings that are being imprisoned for our "education". the only thing any zoo or circus has taught humans is ANIMALS DO NOT DO WELL IN CAPTIVITY. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"SKAKESPEARE WAS RIGHT, HELL IS EMPTY, ALL THE DEVILS ARE HERE! and they are human. what else can explain this barbarity unleashed on defenseless seals? please, sign below, and share widely to voice your outrage at this carnage and keep speaking the new think. ALL SLAUGHTER OF ANIMALS IS MURDER, WITH INTENT. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"MANY CLAIM THAT CALLING THIS ATROCITY A HOLOCAUST trivializes what happened to humans, in our past, but if you look at these numbers, you will see that, in actuality, we are killing so many more animals, and have been for eons and now, more than ever. withhold your support of this current Holocaust, because if it was us, you would want the same. TO GET COMPASSION, YOU MUST GIVE COMPASSION. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"WHO ARE WE TO DECIDE WHO GETS TO LIVE and who gets to die? this planet was theirs before we bullied our way, weapons in hand, to thinking we own this place...and them. without the weapons, we wound not be the "top of the food chain". it is time we make amends and free all the animal slaves and stop using them for food, clothing and/or entertainment. GIVE THEM THEIR FREEDOM AND SPACE TO ROAM! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"VEGAN ARTIST IN THE HOUSE. singer Bryan Adams has been vegan for quite some time and like most that use their hearts, it did not take much coaxing. thanks for seeing the light and sharing it with others, without fear. we know so many hate and penalize those that dare to speak the truth..."

| NOname explică:

"ANIMALS ONLY STAND A CHANCE, IF THEY HAVE A HUMAN BODY GUARD and with so many animals, and so few people who care, we need to find a way to protect them. please, sign below and share widely, to help stop this horror for so many in labs. and keep withholding your money from the terrorists. do the research online, before you make any purchases, or ask when at point of purchase. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING THAT HARMS ANIMALS! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"SO A VEGAN WAS ABRUPT AND SHORT WITH YOU ON FACEBOOK? and even typed in capital letters, to get their point across? that is just horrible! now consider what happens to those they defend, like this child being killed. so you can buy their stolen milk...and tell me again HOW AWFUL IT IS THAT SOMEONE TELL YOU TO SHOW MERCY! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"IF YOU SAW THIS FACE ON THIS BEAUTIFUL ANIMAL, IN PERSON, would you be able to raise your hand in violence, to kill them? all for "food" you do not need to eat! when you pay for meat/dairy, leather/fur and any animal product, you pay a hitman to kill for you. think before you buy any product and ask yourself...DO I CONDONE THE ACTIONS IT TOOK TO GET THIS TO ME? Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"THE FACE OF THE DEVIL HIMSELF SMILES, AS HE HOLDS THE CHILD OF A DEER. he murdered for kicks, and gutted to abort the child. all to brag on FB. just because he can. please, sign and share widely so we can help stop this horror for these defenseless beings in the USA, and other countries, too. they are not the real nuisance, humans are harming the planet, the most. ALL "CONSERVATIONISTS" THAT HUNT, SHOULD VOLUNTEER TO BE CULLED. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

""IT IS NO MEASURE OF HEALTH, TO BE WELL ADJUSTED TO A PROFOUNDLY SICK SOCIETY". Krishnamurti said this and our current society is beyond sick. it is highly toxic. we are killing more animals in five days, than all humans in our recorded history. and those that are trying to bring decency to our society, are being wrongly labelled, because they DARE TO TAKE ON THE SYSTEM & CORPORATE KILLERS. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"STILL BELIEVE CHINA IS THE ONLY COUNTRY THAT BOILS ANIMALS ALIVE? think again! your local slaughterhouse hell hole, does this, behind closed doors, to remove the hair and feathers from pigs and chickens. stop making other people or countries the issue. consume only vegan! DO NOT SUPPORT ANY ANIMAL TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"THE EGG INDUSTRY IS AS CRUEL & VILE TO BABIES, AS THE DAIRY INDUSTRY. these chickens and their children, are abused and killed, all for your money. please, use alternatives for eggs in recipes. grinding a tablespoon of flaxseed equals an egg. and there are alternatives for omelettes, too. or just go without, as we have so many options. VEGANISM STOPS ANIMAL INFANTICIDE & MURDER. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"FUR ON HUMANS ONLY MAKE US LOOK UGLY, TO THE BONE. and all that wear it are advertising they are not capable of love or compassion. this coat took 18 foxes, too many, to make. please, sign and share below, to help protect the truly beautiful they are stealing from, because the results are deadly. and keep speaking the new think. COMPASSION FOR ANIMALS, IS ALWAYS IN FASHION. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"HUMANS ARE THE BIGGEST PESTS ON THIS PLANET. yet, we keep projecting this fact onto the animals, claiming they will "take over the planet", if we do not keep them in check. how about looking at your own species? we are close to 8 billion and we harm more than all other species, combined. studies show when animals go extinct, the eco-system is disrupted, but in actuality, IF HUMANS DISAPPEARED, THE PLANET WOULD FLOURISH. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"THE MOTHER AND CHILD UNION IS A SACRED ONE and coming between them is a universal crime. we must not support any people or businesses that steal children from their mothers. they are part of our extended family here. LET ALL LIVE AND LOVE, IN PEACE! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"THE WANTON BRUTALITY IN FARM DEATH CAMPS AND SLAUGHTERHOUSES is worse than any horror flick imaginable and still, people continue to pay these terrorist organizations, because of their addictions, to the eating of animal flesh. use the fake products, if you are a bacon junkie and, please, sign below and share widely to help stop the horrific abuse! and to make it all stop, we must stop the flow of money. CONSUME ONLY VEGAN TO STOP ANIMAL TORTURE! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"MEAT & DAIRY SHORTENS THE LIVES OF BILLIONS OF ANIMALS AND HUMANS. as so much of our illnesses are directly connected with farming the animals and eating them. a link is below. our current paradigm has us committing slow suicide and murdering others. for humans, this is not the circle of life THIS IS THE CIRCLE OF DEATH. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"THE EYES NEVER LIE AND TEARS ARE A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE. the terror this victim of your appetite is feeling is real and you are the one that caused them to feel it, if you paid a serial killer to murder them. stop being an accomplice to these crimes against the animals! boycott all animal products, live as a vegan! THESE EYES ARE BEGGING YOU FOR MERCY! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"VEGAN ARTIST IN THE HOUSE. actor Woody Harrelson cut through the meat and dairy propaganda many years ago. that keeps these companies rich, as well as Big Pharma, because of the fact we are getting sick, eating animal products. thanks, for speaking publicly about the lies so many are told in the Meartrix. ALL VEGANS SALUTE YOU! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"GREAT MINDS, THINK ALIKE. Martin Luther King, Jr. understood that animals have been slaves to humans, for far too long and his wife and son are both vegan. thanks for help paving the way to a better world. now all animal slaves must be freed. VEGANISM IS WHAT WILL CIVILIZE THIS PLANET. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"SO MANY COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW GRAPHIC THE PICTURES ARE IN POSTS, but if you cannot stand looking at them, how do you think the animals felt being terrorized by your fellow humans? the truth is the only thing that set anyone free. people will not get past their indoctrination, if they do not have a motivation. and if they still have a heart, it will come from their conscience, once they see the carnage. please, share them on your wall. it is all about WHAT WILL MAKE OTHERS WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH. Animal Freedom Fighter"