2 Years Vegan | My Experience & Transformation | PAINFUL OUTTAKE!
"CHILDREN IMITATE WHAT THEY SEE THEIR PARENTS AND OTHER ADULTS DO and if they see grown men, treating these bulls, will such disrespect they kill them, they will disrespect them, too. we are failing the animals, our children and this planet we live on, by teaching the next generation our wicked ways. reconnect with your heart and live vegan. TEACH ALL AROUND YOU THAT LIFE IS PRECIOUS, FOR EVERYONE! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"VEGANISM HELPS SO MANY OF THE ISSUES ON THIS PLANET, that it is the single most important thing you can do, if you want to be the change, you wish to see. it will make us more compassionate and stop the animal Holocaust, save water and grain to feed the hungry, help stop rainforest depletion, save wildlife from the ranches taking over and makes us live longer and healthier lives, as well as help us all think in a new, non-violent paradigm, that will help world peace. links are below. WHAT IS NOT TO LIKE, ABOUT BEING VEGAN? Animal Freedom Fighter"
"TRUE APEX PREDATORS ARE BEING MASSACRED BY A NUISANCE SPECIES, called "humans", but they are the real vermin, as they cheat by using weapons and traps and are killing off so many species to extinction. please, sign and share below, to protect the victims that are essential to the eco-system. those killing them are actually extraneous and parasitical. this lie that it is conservation is so transparent...THE TRUE CONSERVATIONIST WOULD VOLUNTEER TO BE CULLED. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"WE HAVE A MYRIAD OF OPTIONS WHEN IT COMES TO OUR FOOD and we are the closest related to chimpanzees, when it comes to the design of our bodies. they are frugivores. studies prove meat and dairy cause cancer, while fruit and vegetables cure it. a link is below. try eating for your body, not your indoctrinated taste buds, and once you do, you will realize...HUMANS WERE BORN TO BE VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A HUMAN CHILD IS PROTECTED AND SAVED BY BINTI JUA, THE GORILLA, 20 YEARS AGO, even though she was forcibly confined in a zoo by humans, she showed empathy, as the humans watching, gasped in fear, she also had her own child to take care of and still, she had the heart and soul to take care of an injured child, until help came. a link is below, showing the incident. but twenty years later, we kill Harambe for playing with a child that invaded his space, willfully...he should not even be in a zoo, at all. FREE ALL ANIMALS TO SANCTUARIES, NOW! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A DESPERATE CHILD ASKS ANOTHER CHILD, OF ANOTHER SPECIES, that has the power over them, and has enslaved them, to speak for them. with their hands held against the glass and a facial expression with penetrating eyes, that seem to say...I TOO WANT TO LIVE AND LOVE, FREELY! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A CHILD IS MADE TO POSE WITH THE DEAD BODY PARTS OF HIS FAMILY and humans still believe, they are the most intelligent and compassionate species. how can we look upon this image and not feel shame for what our fellow humans do to the animals? these victims must not be ignored. VEGANISM IS AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A CHAINED YOUNG ELEPHANT TRIES TO FREE HIMSELF FROM BEING USED AND ABUSED...on Buddhist temple grounds, in Thailand. please, sign below and share widely, for the elephants in Thailand, Myanmar and India and keep boycotting all places that enslave animals! DO NOT SUPPORT THE ANIMAL TERRORISTS! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"MANY CLAIM THAT CALLING THIS ATROCITY A HOLOCAUST trivializes what happened to humans, in our past, but if you look at these numbers, you will see that, in actuality, we are killing so many more animals, and have been for eons...and now, more than ever. withhold your support of this current Holocaust, because if it was us, you would want the same. TO GET COMPASSION, YOU MUST GIVE COMPASSION. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"MADONNA AND CHILD OF THE GREAT WHITE NORTH. divine love, with eyes closed, cheek to cheek. seeing other mothers, up close and personal, shows us how much they love their children, too, with all their hearts...and they too, want to protect their children, from harm, from us. WE ARE MORE ALIKE, THAN DIFFERENT. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE BLOODY AFTERMATH OF A KILLING SPREE OF A BAND OF SADISTIC THUGS, after they have taken the parts that wanted as trophies, which did not include the fetuses of the unborn, as you can see one lying on the right of the two empty bottles of booze. does this look like the work of "conservationists"? the mental illness called "hunting" is a crime against society and it must be treated as such. humans that kill animals are not hunters, they are criminally insane, as this is...MURDER, WITH INTENT, IN THE FIRST DEGREE! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A TRAUMATIZED, MUTILATED BEAGLE HUDDLES IN THE CORNER OF HIS CELL, terrified of those that have just harmed him, imprisoned by them and tortured by them, they hurt whenever they like, although they profess to be scientists, but they are really terrorists, instead, working for corporations. please, sign below, to get the abuse of these docile dogs and share by clicking on the gut wrenching picture. we have options for testing products and most of these products are not needed, anyway. keep asking, whenever you buy anything, if it was tested on any animal, and if so, BOYCOTT ALL OF IT, UNTIL THEY STOP! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"A SIGN OF MATURITY, IS WHEN YOU DO NOT FOCUS ON YOUR IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION nd instead, consider the consequences of your actions. and the sign of an evolved soul, is when you choose the more compassionate choice, as soon as you realize that you are harming others. stop whining about feeling judged by vegans and look at how you judge the animals. ANIMALS ARE NOT EXPENDABLE, THEY ARE SENTIENT BEINGS. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THESE INTELLIGENT BEINGS ARE SEEN AS A DOLLAR SIGN and treated with such barbaric disrespect, so someone can get a hit of their substance of choice, bacon. think about these victims of the fact that you are a slave to your appetite and realize we are not telling you what to eat, WE ARE TELLING YOU WHO WE DEFEND. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"NICKI MINAJ AND SO MANY INSECURE, RICH WOMEN WEAR STOLEN GOODS and they are paying a hitman to skin animals, often alive, to try and look glamourous and instead they just look sick and twisted and it is the animals that pay the most, with their lives. please, sign and share below, one petition to tell Gap, that selling animals skins, of any k-ind, is so yesterday and the other to stop the selling of reptile skins in the EU and another to tell Macy's to stop selling any accessory made of fur. we are evolving past such stupid cruelty, and those in the know, say COMPASSION IS IN FASHION, CRUELTY IS BARBARIC AND UGLY. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"VEGANISM IS NOT A DIET AND ALL ABOUT WHAT YOU EAT, it is about how we are living on this planet. your choices have far reaching consequences. living vegan will help us to cure famine, droughts, climate change, pollution, human health issues and the Animal Holocaust. check out the links below. if you want to make choices that help us move forward, towards a more evolved planet and if so, you have no choice, but to CHOOSE VEGAN FOR SO MANY REASONS. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"ALL THE GREATEST SOULS SPOKE OF SHOWING MERCY TO THE DEFENSELESS and because we have weapons, all other species are not able to defend themselves, against us and tremble in fear when being abused or violated. this alone makes the argument against veganism one that supports cruelty. the animals are our fellow Earthlings and like us, they have EVERY RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM HUMAN HARM. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"ANIMALS THAT USUALLY EAT OTHER ANIMALS ARE ACTUALLY FEELING EMPATHY, while humans continue to eat them, when there is no need to. check out the links below, to see a lioness named Little Tyke, that was a vegetarian and other predatory animals, showing empathy to the defenseless. if they can do it, what is our problem? for humans, all hunting, and eating meat and dairy is greed...as is done out of habit, not need. WE WERE BORN TO BE VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A WORRIED, COLD AND LONELY DOG GETS A HUG FROM A WARM HEART and the blanket helps, too. they know they need to find a human who will take them away from all this. there are so many high kill shelters in the USA, and the dogs and cats there need us to speak on their behalf. please, sign below and share by clicking on the pic for the dogs and cats in high kill shelters. so many are pit bulls. sign for two Marleys, that need us to speak up for them, too, as well as two others, to help stop the high kill shelters. as they are murdering at the rate of ten thousand, a day. and please, always adopt and never shop, GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO LIVE AND BE LOVED! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"IF WE FLOODED SOCIAL MEDIA WITH IMAGES LIKE THIS, WILL IT WAKE THEM UP? or will we get the meat junkies posting their idiotic statements like "going to eat two burgers, just because of this pic". and here them whining "stop forcing your beliefs down my throat". well, look who is betting forced to live in confinement and is being neglected and tortured, for your antiquated and misguided belief they are food for humans. in a death camp, waiting to meet their murderer. what part of animals feel pain and suffer, as we do, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"HARMING ANY LIVING BEING COMES FROM A PSYCHOTIC SOUL and such a heartless person would not care for humans, as are two-legged animals. so many humans do not harm their own k-ind, because of laws protecting them, while some that have farmed animals and hunted, will not see an issue with killing humans, too. this is why veganism is the only way to a civilized world. ALL SENTIENT LIFE MUST NOW BE SEEN AS "PERSONS", UNDER THE LAW. Animal Freedom Fighter"