"HUMANS HAVE DONE THE MOST DAMAGE TO THIS PLANET and the other animals here, as well as to each other, more than all other animals, combined and yet, we call them "beastly", we have created the Sixth Mass Extinction and we must make amends and do some serious damage control IF WE ARE TO BECOME A CIVILIZED PLANET. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"WHEN YOU EAT THE FLESH ONCE OWNED BY ANOTHER SOUL the question is not what did you have for dinner? but who did you wrongfully evict from their rightful vehicle, to have a 20 minute meal. empathy is about putting yourself in the place of the other, you are doing onto, once you do, YOU WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO EAT CRUELTY FREE & VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A NEEDY CALF TAKEN FROM THEIR MOTHER'S BREAST SUCKLES ON A HAND and this sweet human is letting them after they were saved from slaughter. kidnapping children and killing them to steal their milk is robbery and infanticide. do not support the dairy thieves, choose to love, choose to live vegan! HELP LIBERATE ALL THE ANIMAL SLAVES FOR GOOD! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"COWERING, HELPLESS DOGS BEING TRANSPORTED TO MEET THEIR MURDERERS by a heartless robot in the Meatrix and they will be killed at a death festival in less than a month, called Yulin. Please, sign below and share widely, in groups here to help speak for these victims of flesh eating necrovores! Keep telling all you know ALL ANIMALS ARE POTENTIAL FRIENDS, NOT FOOD. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"COMPARING YOURSELF TO A LION OR WOLF IS BEYOND IDIOCY. the first is a carnivore, the second an omnivore and you are not designed as they are; in fact, we most resemble the chimpanzees, that is a frugivore. you have so many healthier choices that do not destroy others, ourselves and the planet. do not pick and choose what part of other animal's behaviour you want to imitate! a link below shows you a lioness that chose to be a veggie. THE HUMANE KNOW YOU WERE BORN TO BE VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE TERRORISM PIGS GO THROUGH BECAUSE YOU ARE A BACON JUNKIE. means there is a victim here, because of your choice, so that makes it a crime and we will not sit back and allow you to harm the innocent for a taste sensation. vegans are your wake up call. your choices are harming others if you eat animals, so this is everyone's business. EATING MEAT & DAIRY IS NOT A "PERSONAL" CHOICE! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"SO MANY HELPLESS GEESE ARE PHYSICALLY & MENTALLY TRAUMATIZED for products we do not need. 75 in total for one blanket, or one coat, or a few pillows...and we continue this horror, even though we have options. please, sign below, to help protect these defenseless birds from the greedy and cruel and share by clicking on the horrific pic. their bodies are theirs to use, and not ours. we must STOP BUYING STOLEN GOODS FROM ANY ANIMAL. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"JUST IN-THE MURDEROUS MEAT INDUSTRY HAS CREATED A "SUPERBUG" and antibiotics will not protect you from it. these torture chambers are death camps and breeding grounds for them and they must be closed down for the sake of all sentient life, just so you know, being 80% alkaline keeps you from catching any diseases and meat and dairy are the most acidic of foods. a link is below, concerning this. please, stop supporting this industry that kills so many! VEGANISM WILL SAVE US ALL FROM THIS HELL. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"SO MANY SAY TURNING VEGAN IS SO HARD AND TOO "EXTREME", but think about the animals and the extreme abuse and terror they go through...because of your laziness to change your brainwashed and addicted behaviour, then tell me what is more difficult...changing an old habit that takes 21 days, to do or having no power over the lies and propaganda that THE HUMAN DEMONS NEED TO KILL YOU TO BE "THEIR FOOD". Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A TEAM OF RESCUERS HELP A MUTILATED RHINO THAT HAS JUST BEEN POACHED for their horn so they can save them from bleeding to death and a compassionate man is overwhelmed with the horror of it all. please, sign and share so we can help protect them from the greedy zoosadists and keep speaking Veganese. ANIMALS MUST NOW BE SEEN AS "PERSONS", UNDER THE LAW. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"BANANAS DO NOT BLEED RED & THE DARK SPOTS ARE ACTUALLY HEALTHY FOR US. meat kills the souls off that own these bodies and it kills us early, too. why are you so hell bent on destroying the animal, the planet and yourself, for a taste sensation? if you are too weak to get past this addiction, try the faux meats! they do not harm the animals that have every right to live. VEGANISM IS THE MORE ETHICAL AND CONSTRUCTIVE PARADIGM. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"EVEN ANIMALS THAT NEED TO EAT OTHER ANIMALS ARE EVOLVING PAST IT. watch a link below about Little Tyke, a vegetarian lioness. and humans that have so many options and do not need to eat them to survive, still do. we actually shorten our lives by eating animals and their secretions. there are close to 8 billion people here. our greed is not good for the animals, the planet or us. VEGANISM IS THE WAY TO PEACE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"VEGAN BODY, MIND AND SOUL. champion boxer David Haye went vegan, by way of his heart and the side effects have been incredible: he is completely healed from a shoulder injury after going vegan a few years ago and has returned this year, to knock out an opponent in just over two minutes. thanks, for proving once and for all, vegans are far from weak. VEGAN POWER COMES FROM A BRAVE HEART. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"IT IS SO CONVENIENT TO HAVE ANIMAL BODY PARTS WRAPPED IN CELLOPHANE at the grocery store, in your neighbourhood, but what if you had to do the killing and chopping and eat meat raw? all true omnivores and carnivores do. you, instead, are a necrovore. feeding off of the corpses others kill. you have cut off your soul by following the misguided. REATTACH YOUR HEART BY CONSUMING ONLY VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A HOLOCAUST BY ANY OTHER NAME, IS STILL THE SAME and calling it the "meat industry" does not cover up the truth. we are murdering more animals in five days, than all humans have been in recorded history. this wanton and barbaric terrorizing and killing of the innocent shows we have yet to evolve and if we are ever to call ourselves a civilized planet, WE MUST FREE THE SLAVES AND STOP THE CARNAGE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"YOUR BEING WELL-ADJUSTED TO A MAL-ADJUSTED, PSYCHOPATHIC SOCIETY. is nothing to be proud of, as Krishnamurti said, paraphrased, that means you have to close your heart, numb your brain and ignore your soul, to live in this destructive corporatocracy. we do not have to eat animals and, in fact, live shorter lives by doing so. humans are not a part of the "circle of life". we are living in a murderous and suicidal paradigm forced on us, as children and forced on the innocent animals, in the billions, yearly, making the meat and dairy industry, as well as Big Pharma very rich. deprogram yourself, if you want to create a more peaceful and loving society. below is a link that tells you more about why this is so destructive. UNSICKEN OUR WORLD, CHOOSE TO EVOLVE, CHOOSE VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter
If we considerate psychopathy as a k-ind of cognitive disability of an individual for feeling empathy, pathocrazy is when the individuals with such disability from the power structures spread their cognitive infection on the values of all the society, making even to empathic individuals follow and participate on psychopathic behaviors.
Mass-producing, enslave and eating defenseless animals is the most remarkable example of this social disease."
"INNOCENT CHICKENS BEING BURNT ALIVE TO RID THEM OF THE "EVIL SPIRITS" of the illness called the Avian Flu. more victimizing of the victims, as humans are to blame. and this is not about third world countries. as there are massacres in first world nations, when animals are seen as unfit to eat, too. the animals not only suffer for our misguided appetites, so they are punished for not being well enough, to be eaten. Shakespeare was right when he said HELL IS EMPTY, ALL THE DEVILS ARE HERE! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"RUTHLESS PAID HIT MEN LURE THE INNOCENT, PRETENDING TO CARE. as babies see them as mother figures, in the slaughterhouses, taken away too soon from theirs, they will latch on to anyone that is close for nurturing and food, as the food they are meant to have, that has been stolen from them is sold to mostly "grown" humans. how can humans claim to be the most evolved species here? to so many animals HUMANS ARE THE DEVILS IN DISGUISE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"OUR CHILDREN ARE NATURALLY DRAWN TO THE ANIMALS and scream in horror, when they see them harmed. we must stop indoctrinating them into a murderous and suicidal paradigm, as eating animals and their secretions kills us early, too. THE CHILDREN WILL LEAD US TO A VEGAN WORLD. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"WE ARE FORCING A SICK IDEA OF "FOOD" PRODUCTION DOWN SOME THROATS, while we deny others food, because we cannot make money from selling their flesh, as food. it takes 14 pounds of grain to produce a pound of meat products and 2000 gallons of water. a link is below for more info. all that you do, affects the bigger picture. TO SAVE THE CHILDREN OF ALL SPECIES, LIVE VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A DEPRESSED MOTHER LIES IN A SPACE THE SIZE OF HER BODY in a position that allows her babies to suckle on her and one of her children is dead, below her, probably "thumped" to death by a worker that saw them sub-standard. please, sign and share to help to stop this horror for them, in these concentration camps and death houses. the only sure way to stop this Holocaust now WITHHOLD ALL MONIES FROM THE ANIMAL TERRORISTS. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"IMAGINE YOUR BODY BEING HUNG BY THE LEGS TO BECOME "SALTED MEAT" after you were forced to vacate it, by being murdered, so someone can die early, eating your heart attack inducing flesh. all of this, after years of be forcibly confined and abused by sadists. then killed years before your natural length of life. these souls that owned these bodies deserved better than this. you have every right to kill yourself early through diet, just eat vegan junk food and LEAVE THE ANIMALS OUT OF YOUR DESTRUCTIVE WAYS! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THIS IS WHAT THE HELPLESS AND HOPELESS PIG WENT THROUGH to become your substance of choice, bacon junkies and they all had families, too. electrically shocked and bashed around, then slaughtered and sometimes, they are boiled alive. it is not your right to harm them, for your next hit...eat what you like of all the faux meats, just leave the animals out of it! WE ARE DEFENDING THE VICTIM OF YOUR HABIT. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE KILL FLOOR OF A SLAUGHTERHOUSE WITH THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT and these walls also resonate with the screams of the defenseless, while one of the murdering terrorists stands untouched, in the background, with blood on his hands, paid by you. vegans are not telling you what to eat, eat what you like, with one ethical rule: LEAVE THESE VICTIMS OF YOUR APPETITE ALONE! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"ALL HUMANS AS CHILDREN PLAY WITH THE OTHER ANIMALS their innocence makes it so that all they see is a loving friend. when do we lose that compassion for them? our families and society teach us to see animals as second to us. this has led us to use and abuse them and forget the truth. we must reconnect with childhood heart and LET THE CHILD WITHIN US, LEAD US TO VEGANISM. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"WE ALL TREMBLE AND SHAKE WHEN FACED WITH BEING VIOLATED and we all suffer and feel pain the same. humans do not own the bodies of the other animals here, we are not meant to be their demons. stop whining about how vegans make you feel judged and start feeling empathy for THE REAL VICTIMS OF YOUR TASTE ADDICTION! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"YOUR CHOICES ARE NOT PERSONAL ONES, IF THEY AFFECT OTHERS. eating meat and dairy uses too much resources, it takes 16 kilograms of plant food per kilogram of meat produced and 2000 gallons of water. if you cannot find it in your heart to care about the animal victims because of your "personal choice", WHY NOT TRY CARING ABOUT THE HUNGRY? Animal Freedom Fighter"
"WAKING OTHERS UP TO THE TRUTH OF THEIR CHOICES WILL MAKE YOU UNPOPULAR, because nobody likes their alarm clock, but with so many sleep walking and living in ignorant darkness, someone needs to be the voice of truth and reason. vegans may be hated, but all leaders in social justice movements are. the truth may be hard to handle, but ONLY THE TRUTH WILL SET US ALL FREE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE STARE OF A MURDERED BEING THAT SUFFERED AN UNTIMELY DEATH at the hands of a paid assassin. how can a bolt gun crushing a skull be humane? do not fool yourselves, all slaughter is inhumane. and paying others to do it, just makes you an accomplice to the crime. every time you eat any flesh, you are supporting our current murder/suicidal system. they die early and so do you, by eating them. SAVE THEM AND YOURSELF, LIVE AS A VEGAN! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A BOY THAT IS STILL USING HIS HEART AND UNDERSTANDS WRONG FROM RIGHT. he knows that humans are not meant to harm animals and he is in horror of what he sees at this temple, in Nepal. Adrian screams at his parents, when they take him to where his goat friend would have been slaughtered and he tells them they are crazy and this is wrong. the link to the actual video, is below. we actually do not have to teach the children. WE NEED TO LET THE CHILDREN LEAD US TO LOVE. Animal Freedom Fighter"