"ANY SACRIFICING OF ANY ANIMAL IN ANY WAY, whether for a "god" or a taste sensation, makes our whole society a psychopathic one. eating animals is not necessary for humans, which means, we have been raised into a dysfunctional and profoundly sick society. BREAK FREE FROM THE MEATRIX AND LIVE VEGAN! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A CHILD HAS LOST HER MIND AND HEART, BECAUSE OF HER SADISTIC PARENTS, who have taught her killing is something to be proud of. please, sign below, and share widely to help get the criminally insane to back off of the innocent on the North American blood thirsty continent and keep spreading the new think. ALL KILLING OF ANIMALS MUST NOW BE SEEN AS MURDER. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"THE BEGGING EYES OF A SOUL SEEN AS A MEAL, SOON FORGOTTEN. just a substance of choice, for bacon junkies everywhere...these eyes tell us they think with such intelligence and feel with such awareness. if you can look into them and still think about the taste of their flesh, get your heart checked. besides the heart clogging carnage that is blocking your arteries, you lack empathy, YOUR HEART IS NOT FUNCTIONING PROPERLY. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"BODY, MIND AND SOUL, BY VEGAN Billy Simmonds of Australia does not just eat "plant based", he lives the vegan paradigm. veganism is about giving animals the respect and rights they have always deserved and that includes humans, since we are just two-legged animals. check out the link below, to see how VEGANS ARE THE NEW BREED OF SUPER HUMANS. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A HORRIFIED SHARK IS BEING RIPPED OF THEIR FINS BY A PAID HIT MAN and will be thrown back to die, on the ocean floor. this nightmare is happening to 100 million sharks every year. for shark fin soup and shark cartilage and the number of humans being killed by them...one. please, sign below, and share widely to help protect the real apex predator of the oceans. humans are not built to "hunt". using weapons is cheating. ALL THAT KILL ANIMALS ARE CRIMINALS. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"EYES THAT SHINE WITH LOVE, THAT CARE NOT ABOUT COLOUR OR SPECIES. they care only for the soul, of the other...and still, so many believe animals do not have souls. this is what true love is made of. the Greek philosophers called it "agape". and it is the love that will civilize us all. these two can teach us one great lesson. LOVE ALL AS ALL EARTHLINGS ARE ONE BIG FAMILY! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE BOLT GUN DOES NOT RENDER THE DEFENSELESS ANIMALS UNCONSCIOUS, as so many want to believe, to make this supposedly "humane". most are still alive, and see, and feel all around them, in a daze. please, think of the horror they go through for your 20 minute meal! YOU PAY THE HITMAN THAT MURDERS THE INNOCENT. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THIS FOAM USED BY FIREFIGHTERS IS BEING USED TO KILL 15, 000 CHICKENS, IN 15 MINUTES. it is used in cases where humans have created an Avion Flu like disease and the twisted humans that eat them are watching, as this mass murder, goes down. a link is below. these are "free range" chickens, living their lives, on top of each other, so the people that buy them can feel like they are living and dying humanely. what is humane about this? DO NOT BUY THE TORTURE, THEY SELL! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE HEAD OF A VICTIM OF JUNK SCIENCE TERRORISTS MUTILATED, WHILE ALIVE, by twisted zoosadists, without conscience. these junk scientists are paid by Big Pharma, so they care only about the money and they do not care for his feelings. please, sign below, and share widely and keep boycotting all products that come from animal use and abuse. to call ourselves civilized ALL TERRORISM MUST STOP TOWARDS ANIMALS, TOO! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"THE ANIMALS WERE HERE LONG BEFORE WE ARRIVED and we have become the most destructive of all the species, bar none. we kill 70 billion farm animals per year and we are perpetuating the Sixth Mass Extinction. the fact we act like we own this planet, is a sign of our arrogance and stupidity. we are but one species here, and we are the least needed. we must humble ourselves, as pride comes before the fall, and LET ALL LIVE AND LOVE, FREELY. Animal Freedom Fighter"