"A RODEO COMPETITION, IN MEXICO, WHERE HORSES ARE EVISCERATED by bulls, that are provoked to do it, all so sadists can take pictures of the carnage and watch their pain and suffering. please, sign and share below, to get this to stop, as well as a rodeo, in Salinas, California. there is also a link about this horror show, called the Torneo de Lazo. the mayors of the cities are paid off to allow it, just like so many politicians are paid worldwide, to turn a blind eye to animal torture. ANIMALS ARE NOT OURS TO USE AND ABUSE."
Http://www.facebook.com/......510333162/ :))
Observ multe ironii de genul în societate. Una dintre cele mai accentuate o găsim prin cantinele spitalelor.
Tot din seria: fiinţe fascinante, inocente şi lipsite de apărare, care nu sunt lăsate în pace de nişte imbecili.