"ARE YOU ONE OF THE MANY, THAT ARE OUTRAGED BY THIS CHILD ABUSE? well then, you must not make this a "factory farm" issue. it is a "murdering animals" issue. we do not need to harm them, in any way, in order to survive. as a matter of fact, they live longer and healthier lives if we stop...and so do we BE VEGAN, TO MAKE ALL ANIMALS A SOMEBODY, TOO! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"LESS THAN SIXTY YEARS AGO WE HAD AFRICAN PEOPLE IN HUMAN "ZOOS". as well as some indigenous people of North America. while most countries still had them separated from "white" society. as did many cities in the USA. and we have finally grown past such injustice, cruelty and discrimination. now it is the animal's turn, but they cannot speak for themselves. so if people tell you animals will never know freedom. tell them this is the next step in our collective evolution. vegans are the visionaries, ushering in a more evolved planet. make sure you are on the side of right. ALL SENTIENT LIFE IS MEANT TO BE SOVEREIGN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"GRAIN USED TO FEED THOSE KILLED EARLY FOR THE TOXIC FLESH "FOOD". that so many humans still eat. harms billions of sentient beings. the cows, the hungry and those that partake in this murder/suicidal paradigm. it takes 16 pounds of grain to produce a pound of meat. and 2000 gallons of water. a link is below. stop supporting a system that makes a few rich. and harms the rest of us. MEAT & DAIRY DESTROYS THE ANIMALS, PLANET AND HUMANS. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE GRAPHIC IMAGES ARE HERE SO YOU CAN SEE THE TRUTH. because these slaves of your appetite are hidden away from view. so they can sell you the lie. these animals are being tortured, abused and murdered. in the most horrendous of ways. nobody likes to see pictures of cruelty. but you must not ignore the pictures, if you are not yet vegan. or you will help to continue this ignorance. PAYING SOMEONE TO KILL THEM IS CRIMINAL. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"MADONNA AND CHILD OF THE BOVINE WORLD. and their sublime love can be seen and felt, from the photo. but these tags in their ears are an awful reminder. that their lives are not their own. and their babies can be stolen from them, at any time. but one heroic mother, hid her babies from the dairy thieves. a link below tells more. we must continue to fight, to make it so that soon. THEY WILL BE ABLE TO LIVE AND LOVE, FREELY. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A CHICKEN IS BEING SACRIFICED IN A YEARLY ORTHODOX JEWISH "TRADITION" as children watch the sickening nightmare. after they were spun around in the air. to "take on the sins" of these sadists. you cannot justify the lunacy of humans using animals for a ritual, or eating meat or dairy, ever the excuse that animals are here for us to use is getting old. and so is the horror so many inflict on them, in the name of culture and religion. instead of praying before or after you slaughter any animal. because you know it is wrong. how about this novel idea: DO NOT MURDER THEM, AT ALL! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"OUR NEXT EVOLUTIONARY STEP IS TO MAKE IT SO ALL LIVES MATTER. and the only way to get there, is to harm none. in truth, we do not have to harm any beings, in order to survive. it is time we stopped making this planet a prison and concentration camp. for so many. and we lived as vegans to LET LOVE AND COMPASSION RULE! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"WE HAVE SO MANY CRUELTY FREE ALTERNATIVES TO EATING THEIR FLESH. and yet, we continue to forcibly confine and kill them. at a rate that is worse than any Holocaust yet. we kill more animals in five days, than all humans in recorded history. if we are so intelligent, why do we eat what will harm our hearts, and close them off to compassion? it is time to us to eat intelligently, tempered by wisdom. VEGANISM WILL GIVE US HEART & SAVE OUR HEARTS. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"REAL MEN PROTECT & NURTURE THE YOUNG & DEFENSELESS. of all species and do not need to steal them from their mothers or rope any of them, rodeo style or break their spirits to ride on them. or most importantly, murder them and eat them. violence is cheap and easy. BEING KIND AND TENDER SHOWS TRUE STRENGTH! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"ENSLAVED ANIMALS LIVES MADE A LIVING HELL, FOR "YOUR" TWENTY MINUTE MEAL and if you buy their body parts it makes you an accomplice to these atrocities and all of it is unnecessary, as we living healthier lives, not eating them. please, think about how your food choices have consequences for so many innocent beings. VEGANISM STOPS THE VIOLENCE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
Potrivit http://desprecancer.com/2011/11/09/ne-nastem-si-traim-cu-cancer/, "inca de la nastere avem sadite in corpul nostru semintele unui cancer". Eu cred ca avem mai multe tipuri de aceste 'seminte'. Stilul nostru de viata contribuie la activarea sau nu a acestora. Si carnea este unul din factorii care ajuta la aparitia cancerului.
Eu sunt inca omnivor. Totusi noi nu am fost creati sa mancam carne. Este adevarat ca ne-am obisnuit sa o consumam; iar daca nu o facem dam in alte boli. dar nu aceasta trebuie sa fie alimentul nostru de baza. Noi trebuie putin cate putin(si nu brusc) ca sa reuntam la consumul acesteia.
Eu am incercat sa nu mananc carne si nici lapte, oua sau branza timp de 3 luni de zile. Dar m-am simtit slabit. Si dupa ce am mancat iarasi carne, parca mi s-au luminat ochii dintr-o data.
Carnea, pe langa proteine si vitamina B12(ca atat are) aduce cu sine si multe boli:
-este un aliment care sta intestine pana la 72 de ore. Iar un aliment care sta prea mult in intestine prduce cancer de colon;
-aduce cu sine colesterolul rau(ca exista si colesterol bun care se gaseste in vegetale). Colesterolul rau se depune pe interiorul vaselor de sange si le subtiaza astfel traseul sangelui, ducand la hipertensiune arteriala si apoi la AVC(acident vascular cerebral) -pentru ca la nivelul creierului sunt niste vase de sange subtiri cat varful unui ac, si acestea se sparg cel mai repede;
-aduce cu sine trigliceride (adica ingroasa sangele si face ca acesta sa circule greu, obosind astfel inima);
-consumul carnii duce si la aparitia grasimii viscerale(de pe inima, ficat, rinichi, etc, ingreunand functionarea acestora);
-pe langa cele de mai sus, aduce cu sine si grasimea care se se vede(de pe abdomen, coaste, etc).
Corpul transforma alimentele in energie atat cat are nevoie(depinde de cata energie face); restul se depune. Si chiar daca am fi sportivi in miscare (chiar daca nu se depune) carnea tot sta multe zile in colon.
Consumul de carne pe luna al unui adult, nu trebuie sa depaseasca o bucata de carne de marimea unei palme. Restul vegetale.
Mai sunt si alte substante daunatoare care se gasesc in compozitia adrenalinei atunci cand animalul este taiat.