"ANIMALS LIVES MADE A LIVING HELL, FOR "YOUR" TWENTY MINUTE MEAL, you will just defecate, the next day...and if you buy their body parts, it makes you an accomplice, to these atrocities, all of it is unnecessary, as we living healthier lives, not eating them. please, think about how your food choices have consequences for so many innocent beings. VEGANISM HELPS STOP THE VIOLENCE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
Cred că cel mai mare coşmar al meu e când mă imaginez un animal non-uman, vulnerabil, terifiat, disperat şi neputincios, în mâinile unui sadist uman, pentru care asta e normalitate şi care nu se va opri din a mă tortura, orice aş face...chiar de aş putea face ceva.
"A TERRIFIED, HELPLESS SOUL LOOKS AT THE FACE OF HIS TERRORISTS, hoping to see any signs of compassion, but these junk scientists are paid by Big Pharma and they do not care for his feelings. please, sign below, and share widely and keep boycotting all products that come from animal use and abuse. to call ourselves civilized, TERRORISM MUST STOP TOWARDS ANIMALS, TOO. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"SO MANY CLAIM THAT EATING DEAD BEINGS IS SANCTIONED BY "THEIR" CHURCH, yet they believe they think for themselves. harming other beings, when not needed, is a universal crime. humans not only do not need to eat meat, it kills us early. stop letting anyone or anything tell you who to love and who to eat! ALL SENTIENT LIFE DESERVES TO BE FREE FROM OUR HARM. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A KISS BEFORE DYING, FOR ANOTHER OF MY K-I-N-D! these two victims of discrimination are on death row. their crime? being born a pig, in a place and time that sees them as "consumable" and they are seeking comfort from each other in this concentration camp set up to supply the "substance of choice" to bacon junkies. remember, it is not really a choice, when there is a victim! IT IS NOT FOOD, IT IS AN INJUSTICE!"
"WHEN YOUR HEART IS INTER-CONNECTED WITH THOSE OF OTHERS, because it has not closed down, you can feel their pain and suffering, as well as their joy. and this Animal Holocaust we are now perpetuating is causing too much sorrow for those it is happening to, and those who care. let them feel joy! CLOSE DOWN THE SLAUGHTERHOUSES, NOT YOUR HEARTS!"
"A CHILD WILL NOT LEAVE THEIR DEAD MOTHER'S SIDE, AS THE OTHERS FEEL HER PAIN...in the herd she is part of this horror at the hands of poaching sadists, is happening so often, that the elephants will be gone soon. so many species are disappearing at an alarming rate. for elephants, it is dire. please, sign below, and share widely to help protect these gentle souls and others in the wild. those of us that love them and care are their only hope. WE MUST STOP PERPETUATING THIS SIXTH MASS EXTINCTION. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters."
"EYES LOOKING OUT INTO A WORLD THAT HAS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST THEM, as the brainwashing propaganda has made them murder victims of hate crimes. there are more animals being killed right now, in five days, than all humans in our recorded history. taking offense to the comparison, is just more discrimination. many who have survived the Holocaust have spoken against this current one. ALL SENTIENT LIFE MUST BE PROTECTED FROM GENOCIDE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"THE DELUSIONAL & CRIMINALLY INSANE ARE PULLING US ALL DOWN to the lowest common denominator. violence is cheap and easy and to be able to take on these animals, we need a weapon. we are not born to hunt, and we never were. why do these people believe they can steal the fierceness of those they kill? what humans really need to do to be real conservationists is KILL THEIR OVER-INFLATED EGOS & STOP KILLING ANIMALS. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"WE ARE NOT "EDUCATING" OURSELVES BY INCARCERATING THE INNOCENT. we are just making ourselves this planet's demons and proving captivity kills them, early...if we do not kill these victims of greed first, after we invade the minimal space we give them. let all live their lives, as they were meant to and stop invading their space and homes, in the wild, too! we are but one species here, but we have become parasites, killing off the land and animals, without care. it is time to make amends, and change. FREE ALL THE INNOCENT ANIMAL INMATES NOW!"
"HELPLESS "SUBSTANDARD" PIGLETS WERE SMASHED ONTO CONCRETE TO KILL THEM, but this is not seen as cruelty. this is standard practice, and called "thumping" and is legal in the concentration camps they are imprisoned in. please, sign below, to speak against these atrocities against these animals and share widely, in groups here. keep your money from these mass murderers, CONSUME ONLY VEGAN TO STOP ANIMAL USE AND ABUSE!"
"PROTECTING THOSE OTHERS USE AND ABUSE, IS WHAT THE TRUE WARRIOR DOES. speaking for the downtrodden takes the most bravery, as most would rather benefit from their slavery. those that take on the predominant culture that make their lives easier through the work of others are weak. THE TRULY STRONG NURTURE THE DEFENSELESS."
Philip Wollen : Animals Should Be Off The Menu debate.
"STOP CHINA, USA, UK, CANADA, AND THE EU, STOP THIS WHOLE PLANET from harming the animals. all countries are playing their part in this horrendous Holocaust with close to 70 billion land animals, and 2 trillion sea animals killed yearly. let's not make this about my country being less guilty than your country, let's make this about freeing the slaves, and PROTECTING THE VICTIMS OF THE IGNORANT & GREEDY."
"A CHILD IS BEING BULLIED TO THE POINT OF HIS NECK BREAKING and the coward doing it, is being cheered on, by a sadistic audience. please, sign below and share widely, to get these horror shows to become part of our barbaric history and keep working towards a vegan world. ALL ABUSE OF ANIMALS IS A FAILURE FOR HUMANS."
"YOU ARE PAYING OTHERS TO KILL ANIMALS FOR YOUR TASTE ADDICTIONS and this pushing of your misguided beliefs, is costing billions of lives of animals, every year, as well as shortening the lives of humans, with so many diseases. you have been brainwashed. you do not need to eat meat or dairy to survive. in fact, the opposite is true. you live healthier and longer as a vegan. YOUR BE-LIE-FS SUPPORT THE ANIMAL HOLOCAUST!"
"THESE ARE TWO RESCUED HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS. this is what battery chickens look like, that lay eggs. their beaks are cut off and they never get to see the light of day. they need the sun to have healthy feathers and a healthy body, as we all do. and even if they are "free range", they look like this. that just means it is one big cage that they live in with thousands on top of each other. use the alternatives! there is a link below, about them. do not buy stolen goods from any animal! STOP SUPPORTING THE ANIMAL HOLOCAUST!"
"THIS CHILD'S EXPRESSION ALREADY SHOWS DEEP SEATED DEPRESSION. lying next to their mother, living in chains, enslaved by the circus sadists and zoo slavers. please sign below to help break the cycle of selling babies into slavery. click on the heart wrenching picture to share and remember, your money is what they are after, DO NOT BUY A TICKET TO THEIR NIGHTMARE!"
"ALL LEADERS OF NEW MOVEMENTS ARE CALLED "RADICAL" AND "EXTREME", because most want to be left in their comfort zones, but all these same leaders are hailed as visionaries by those that come after them."
"IT IS SO EASY TO EAT FOOD IN A GARDEN WHERE YOUR VEGETABLES CAME FROM, but try eating a meal in the slaughterhouse "your" meat came from, or should it be, the flesh of a cadaver, and tell me, how easy it was, to digest this meal of dead body parts. out of sight means we are living, out of mind...and it hurts so many, including ourselves. stop eating and living in ignorance! BE AWARE, BE AWAKE, BE VEGAN!"
"A TRAUMATIZED MOTHER TRIES TO PROTECT HER PRECIOUS CHILD from the terrorists that come to abuse them at their whim. please, sign below, and share by clicking on the gut wrenching pic to help the primates in labs and please, do not pay the salary of these torturing junk scientists, BOYCOTT ALL PRODUCTS TESTED ON ANIMALS!"