Întrebare recomandată | NOname a întrebat:

Cât de sănătos mâncaţi?
Vă propun pentru vizionare şi reflectare documentarul lui Michal Siewierski "Food Choices". Filmul întreg îl puteţi găsi aici, la comentarii, postat de Sorana Popescu: 6175
Provocăm suferinţă în masă, ca să ne îmbolnăvim, să poluăm mediul înconjurător şi să îmbogăţim corporaţiile care profită de ignoranţa noastră. Pentru cea mai inteligentă specie de pe Pământ nu părem foarte inteligenţi, nu-i aşa?
Dacă ar fi să faceţi o schimbare în dieta voastră (şi nu numai), cu ce aţi începe? (Eu una, mă gândesc serios să renunţ şi la ouă, lactate şi peşte. Nu realizam pe deplin care sunt daunele consumului lor. Dacă aveţi argumente pro şi/sau contra, aş fi curioasă să le studiez.)
Ce părere aveţi cu privire la acest subiect în general?
Dacă cineva are şi alte studii ştiinţifice legate de această temă, le poate posta aici. Mulţumesc.

844 răspunsuri:
| NOname explică:

"WHEN WE SEE OURSELVES IN THE SITUATIONS WE PUT THE ANIMALS IN, we realize just how cruel and heartless what we do to them is...compassion only seems to come, when we feel the pain of others. women in particular, should speak loudly against the horror of the dairy industry. if the aliens farmed us, for our milk, and you had your babies stolen from us, so they could steal their milk, then we would be screaming: "PLEASE, GO VEGAN AND LEAVE US ALONE!""

| NOname explică:

"THE TERRORISM PIGS GO THROUGH BECAUSE YOU ARE A BACON JUNKIE, means there is a victim here, because of your addiction, so that makes it a crime, and we will not sit back and allow you to harm the innocent, for a taste sensation. vegans are your wake up call. your choices are harming others if you eat animals, so this is everyone's business. EATING MEAT & DAIRY IS NOT A "PERSONAL" CHOICE!"

| NOname explică:

"A HELPLESS TIGER IS RESTRAINED AND SUSPENDED, SOON TO BE MURDERED, for a superstition that is causing them an incredible amount of suffering. there is a link below, for more information. but first, please, sign and share below, so we can tell those that do this, it is unacceptable, and must stop. and as you know, the best way to make sure all this slavery and murder ends, remember, all countries have slaughterhouses, so this is about the whole planet. BOYCOTT ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS, NOW!"

| NOname explică:

"WHY WOULD "GOD" MAKE US OF MEAT, IF WE ARE NOT MEANT TO BE EATEN? this idea so many use that animals are here for us to use and human arrogance and greed. we do not need to eat any animals and only 25% of animals eat others. if we did not have ways to protect ourselves, they would eat us, too. IF YOU WANT COMPASSION, GIVE COMPASSION!"

| NOname explică:

"THE HORRIFIED LOOK ON THIS HELPLESS CHILD'S FACE, SHOULD BE ENOUGH to make you stop eating any "food" that comes from their bodies or is stolen from them. what the procedure is, is not important. as all of it is not needed, and traumatizing. it is all being done, because of our addiction to taste sensations. eating meat is not needed, and, as a matter fact, it does more harm, than you, the animals, and the planet. your money pays for this terrorism, when you buy the carnage they are peddling. HELP END ANIMAL TERRORISM, LIVE AS A VEGAN!"

| NOname explică:

"GRAINS ARE BEING GROWN IN AFRICA AND SENT TO THE USA, so the "farm" slaves there can be fattened up to be slaughtered as "burgers", at the rate of 14 pounds of plant food, for every pound of meat and 2000 gallons of water. and the cows, pigs and chickens are born with a due date over their heads, all for money. and feeding these children will not bring anyone money. check out the Philip Wollen speech below, that this quote is from and realize veganism is good for all! to FIGHT FAMINE, GET MEAT OFF THE MENU!"

| NOname explică:

"MEAT AND DAIRY IS THE REASON WE HAVE SO MANY STARVING and it is the reason we have so many health issues and the planet is losing so much of its resources and rainforests and it is all harming the biosphere, too...and all the while, we are killing close to 70 billion animals yearly, to die early from eating them ourselves. links are below, for those that can handle the truth. WHAT PART OF BEING VEGAN DOES NOT MAKE SENSE?"

| NOname explică:

"THIS IS HOW THEY BREED BABY LAMBS, TO BE SLAUGHTERED. artificial insemination is easier for the sadistic workers, but very painful for the ewes. did you actually think they had a date night? in those hell hole, death camps! these animals are just machines to those that make money from their suffering. do not buy wool, leather, fur, meat, dairy or any animal products! BY VEGAN, SO NOBODY GETS HURT!"

| NOname explică:

"WHY DO THE REAL COMPASSIONATE AND KIND MEN HAVE TO HIDE? while the barbaric and real animal terrorists are seen as celebrities? if we are ever to call ourselves a civilized society, we must support the k-ind and compassionate and stop celebrating the wicked, weak and murderous. LONG LIVE ALF, THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS!"

| NOname explică:

"THESE ABUSED SOULS NEED THE STRONG AND DECENT HUMAN SOULS, to speak for their right to life, and liberty, and if you are such a soul, please, stand up and be counted. 70 billion animals are forcibly confined, and being tortured and killed, because those that will not go against the lowest common denominator, sit by and watch. if you come forward, others will too. and many have done so, already. veganism is the fastest growing movement and given half a chance. VEGANS WILL USHER IN THE PEACE WE ALL WANT."

| NOname explică:

"YOUR SUBSTANCE OF CHOICE IS KILLING OTHERS BECAUSE OF YOUR ADDICTION and therefore it is not a "personal" choice and it harms other humans, too. as eating meat and dairy uses so much of our resources, it has many people wanting for food and water. your choices have consequences. choosing vegan means you are THINKING OF THOSE YOU MAY HARM, AND CHOOSING TO HARM NONE."

| NOname explică:

"WHEN WE SEE ANIMALS THAT HAVE BEEN PART OF OUR FAMILIES KILLED FOR FUR OR MEAT, we react in immediate disgust. now we must extend this compassion to all animals including those in farms. please sign below, for the cats and dogs of USA, China and Korea. we must all stop buying the products that come from their pain and suffering in our own countries, wherever we live, whatever the animal...THEY ARE ALL FRIENDS, NOT COMMODITIES."

| NOname explică:

"WE MUST TEACH THE CHILDREN COMPASSION AND CARE FOR ALL BEINGS and not teach them machines are what needs our attention. our world will be a kinder and gentler place, if we see all beings as our family. learn to reconnect with nature and all living beings yourself, then teach your children, well. LOVE AND FREEDOM, FOR ALL!"

| NOname explică (pentru sublime89):

Tocmai am aflat că fetiţele mele au făcut pui, deci Masiania e Masian. laughing
Câţi, încă nu mă întreba, am văzut doar doi: unul alb, micuţ şi drăgălaş, ca mami şi altul la fel de mic şi drăgălaş, dar bruneţel, ca tati (vai ce ciudat sună! rolling on the floor ). Familia mea creşte pe zi ce trece. big grin

| Fatamuntilor a răspuns (pentru NOname):

Auzi, tu ai auzit ca pisica sa atace caini? Am o pisica care ataca orice caine care se apropie de curte.
Vine prietena nepotului meu cu ditamai cainele zbarneste blanita incovoie coada, scuipa rolling on the floor sora mea isi ea cainele in brate cand ajunge in dreptul ei... vrei sa-ti trimit pisica?rolling on the floor

| NOname explică (pentru Fatamuntilor):

Neee, suntem alergici la pisici. big grin

Şi vecina mea a avut un motan de genul. Se fereau câinii de el ca de dracu'.hee hee

| NOname explică:


| sublime89 a răspuns (pentru NOname):

Felicitari!hee hee

| NOname explică (pentru sublime89):

Mersi, mersi! Deja am numărat 5. big grin

| NOname explică:

"THE EYES NEVER LIE, AND THESE EYES SHOW A TERRIFIED SOUL, that is powerless to what is about to befall them. all because we pay these hitmen to kill for us, when we eat meat or dairy and/or wear fur or leather. look into this eye and tell them, their pain does not matter. if you can, you have lost your own soul, and are a slave to the Meatrix. FREE YOURSELF TO LIBERATE THESE VICTIMS OF YOUR APPETITES."

| NOname explică:

"A MOTHER & CHILD THAT LOVE THIS MUCH, SHOULD BE LEFT IN PEACE, to pursue their idea of happiness and to live and love, freely. we are not the only species living on this planet. we just act like we are. we must stop invading their homes, harming them and separating families, for our misguided ideas of "entertainment", "conservation" or "food". IT WAS THEIR PLANET, BEFORE WE ARRIVED!"

| NOname explică:

"IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FRESH SECRETIONS FROM THE ASS OF A CHICKEN, why not shop where they have them living in crowded cages, with slanted floors? so they roll down for easy stealing. or you can go free range, and visit a huge factory farm death camp full of them, living on top of each other. if you cannot handle the truth, why are you buying the lies? VEGANISM IS THE WAY TO STOP LYING TO YOURSELF."

| NOname explică:

"THE HORRIFIC TORTURE OF FUR BEARING ANIMALS BY MURDERING FUR THIEVES is diabolical, and beyond demonic. so many are skinned alive because it causes less damage to the precious fur and is easier to do when the body is warm. please, sign below and share widely to speak against these crimes against other Earthlings and keep spreading the new think, fur is dead, and it makes you look ugly to the bone. ANIMALS ARE NOT RESOURCES FOR US TO USE."

| NOname explică:

"THIS VEGAN AGENDA IS AN ALTRUISTIC ONE, OF CARING FOR ALL SOULS and reconnecting with our compassionate hearts and the only people that should be afraid of this paradigm shift are the meat and dairy industries, and Big Pharma, because, if we all do this, we would live longer and healthier lives, both animals and humans, and there goes the industries that make money from blood. that has been the basis for our current culture of terror and death. WITHHOLD YOUR SUPPORT FROM ANIMAL TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS!"

| NOname explică:

"THE RUNTS OF THE LITTER ARE MURDERED IN FACTORY FARM DEATH CAMPS, because they are seen as a liability, to their slave drivers, but they do not want you to know this, so they are trying to implement Ag Gag laws, to stop the bloody truth from being seen. this is standard practice for these serial killers. they are killed by "thumping", which is the term they use. this infanticide is committed by throwing them against concrete walls, until they are dead, or close to it, then they are left to die, and this is all done, SO YOU CAN GET YOUR NEXT HIT OF BACON!"