Întrebare recomandată | NOname a întrebat:

Cât de sănătos mâncaţi?
Vă propun pentru vizionare şi reflectare documentarul lui Michal Siewierski "Food Choices". Filmul întreg îl puteţi găsi aici, la comentarii, postat de Sorana Popescu: 6175
Provocăm suferinţă în masă, ca să ne îmbolnăvim, să poluăm mediul înconjurător şi să îmbogăţim corporaţiile care profită de ignoranţa noastră. Pentru cea mai inteligentă specie de pe Pământ nu părem foarte inteligenţi, nu-i aşa?
Dacă ar fi să faceţi o schimbare în dieta voastră (şi nu numai), cu ce aţi începe? (Eu una, mă gândesc serios să renunţ şi la ouă, lactate şi peşte. Nu realizam pe deplin care sunt daunele consumului lor. Dacă aveţi argumente pro şi/sau contra, aş fi curioasă să le studiez.)
Ce părere aveţi cu privire la acest subiect în general?
Dacă cineva are şi alte studii ştiinţifice legate de această temă, le poate posta aici. Mulţumesc.

844 răspunsuri:
| NOname explică:

"VEGAN BODY, MIND AND SOUL. body builder Jon Venus was your typical vegan hater, with all the same immature remarks, most make, but when he really listened, without the knee jerk reaction, he realized the vegans were right. intelligence is about being open to new information, ignorance is ignoring it, when it is presented to you. VEGANISM IS THE THINKING PERSON'S PARADIGM."

| NOname explică:

"WE DO NOT NEED TO IMPRISON ANY ANIMALS, TO LEARN ABOUT THEM. and if we do want to see how they live, we must go to them, and keep a healthy distance. humans have made themselves the most hated and feared species here and our abuse of others here, has harmed all of us and the planet. we must make amends and do some damage control, PROTECT ALL ANIMALS FROM THE KILLER HUMANS."

| NOname explică:

"A CHILD SCREAMS OUT FOR THEIR MOTHER, AS THEY ARE BEING MURDERED, while sadists watch the barbarity, as a form of "entertainment". sign below and share by clicking on the haunting pic. we must tell them, we are outraged and will not allow this horror to go on. some are listening, as funding has stopped from government sources. keep the pressure on, and speak for these victims! STOP MURDERING THE ANIMALS FOR ANY REASON!"

| NOname explică:

"VEGANISM IS HELPFUL AND KIND TO ALL SENTIENT LIFE HERE, as we are also using 1800 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat, and 2000 gallons of water to produce a gallon of milk. famine and drought need not exist, if we just stopped being slaves to our appetites and making animals slaves to it, too. please, think about the consequences of your choices, when you do, and you want to be the change, you want to see in the world. LIVING VEGAN MAKES YOU PART OF THE SOLUTION."

| NOname explică:

"EYES NEVER LIE, THEY TELL YOU HOW SOMEONE FEELS, WORDS ARE NOT NEEDED and if these eyes do not speak to you of the fear and distrust they feel, you are deaf, dumb and blind. your choices affect those in these death camps, and so many around you, when you choose to partake in our current circle of death. let these children of sorrow be free of their pain and suffering, CHOOSE VEGAN SO NOBODY GETS HURT!"

| NOname explică:

"THIS IS HOW THE DAIRY THIEVES RETIRE THE TERRORIZED DAIRY SLAVES about twenty years early, of their natural lives...and you pay for this horrific torture and murder, when you buy the hell, these terrorist organizations sell, which keeps the funding for our current murder/suicidal system going. be an agent of change, consume only vegan, if enough of us do, it will no longer be financially viable to have these hell holes and this will only stop if you REFUSE TO PAY THE PSYCHOTIC HIT MAN."

| NOname explică:

"THE HORRORS OF PALM OIL AS A BABY STARES AT THEIR MISSING FINGERS chopped off by the killing home invaders. a link is below, which shows most of what we consume, if processed, has palm oil. please, be vigilant, and watch what you buy, or make your products yourself, if you can, and sign below, also, and share, so we can speak against these atrocities. BOYCOTT ALL PALM OIL AND PRODUCTS THAT HARM ANIMALS!"

| NOname explică:

"AN ALARM CLOCK IS OFTEN NEEDED TO AWAKEN THOSE THAT ARE IN A DEEP SLEEP, but how many actually like their alarm clocks and thank them for waking them up? vegans are now being hated on more than others by so many...all because people want to stay asleep. non-vegans, stop blaming the messenger for the message that is not comforting to those that do not like change. HUMANS MUST NOW EVOLVE TO BECOMING VEGAN STEWARDS."

| NOname explică:

"VEGAN ARTIST IN THE HOUSE. writer and film director, James Cameron went vegan after seeing Forks over Knives. he is always speaking about how living vegan is the best way to care for this planet and her children, the animals. he is now opened a sustainability school in California with his wife, where they will teach about veganism and only serve vegan food. a link is below, where he speaks of how you cannot be an environmentalist, if you are not vegan."

| NOname explică:

"CHILDREN KNOW THAT LOVE IS ALL WE NEED and they come from their hearts and as Rumi states, it is where we should all come from. children know this, until we tell them that humans are the most important species here. teaching the children they are right, and love is all there is, is what will save us all. VEGANISM IS LOVE AND COMPASSION, IN ACTION."

| NOname explică:

"TORTURED GREYHOUNDS DIE EARLY DEATHS, FROM THEIR RACING SLAVERY. if they are not killed first, for not making the slave drivers enough money, they are just a commodity, to them...and Lufthansa is making money too, transporting them to be abused by their torturers. please, sign and share below, in groups, so we can say no more, to this atrocity, and help protect the live bait victims of these slave drivers, too. please, do not attend any racing of any animals and keep spreading the new think. ANIMALS MUST NOW BE SEEN AS PERSONS, UNDER THE LAW."

| NOname explică:

"WE KILL MORE ANIMAL IN FOUR DAYS THAN ALL HUMANS HAVE BEEN KILLED in recorded history and we dare call ourselves civilized. we need to earn the title of being humane. but we are failing at our moral test concerning the animals, miserably. do not partake in our current circle of death, stop buying any animal products, or products that cause their suffering, DO NOT BUY ANY OF THE HELL, THEY SELL!"

| NOname explică:

"BILLIONS OF MOTHERS AND THEIR CHILDREN CRY AND SUFFER, because of this unnatural separation, every year. each crate you see here, has one of these children alone, in it. they were taken away at birth, so the dairy thieves can steal their milk. every child needs their mother, and every mother wants to nurture their child. we must not get between them, ever. DO NOT STEAL THE FOOD FROM THE MOUTHS OF BABES!"

| NOname explică:

"GREAT MINDS & MAGNANIMOUS SOULS THINK ALIKE. Mark Twain like so many other great minds, understood that man is but one species and that of all species, he is the most destructive and barbaric and the most unneeded. thanks for paving the way to a kinder, vegan world, Mr. Twain...way before your time. VEGANISM IS AN IDEA WHOSE TIME IS NOW!"

| NOname explică:

"A HUMILIATED POLAR BEARS MOUTH IS WIRED SHUT, AS THEY ARE MADE A SPECTACLE OF and you can see they were trained with beatings, in order to perform, as their spirit is broken. please, sign and share below, so we can speak against this horror for him and keep boycotting the slave drivers. ANIMALS ARE NOT PUPPETS OR RESOURCES FOR HUMANS."

| NOname explică:

Philip Wollen at the World Vegan Summit.

| NOname explică:

A vegan bodybuilding experiment: Joshua Knox at TEDxFremont

| NOname explică:

Plant-strong & healthy living: Rip Esselstyn at TEDxFremont

| NOname explică:

Beyond Carnism and toward Rational, Authentic Food Choices | Melanie Joy | TEDxMünchen

| NOname explică:

Jaap Korteweg - I am a Vegetarian Butcher - TEDxEde 2014

| NOname explică:

Find your athletic edge: Brendan Brazier at TEDxFremont

| NOname explică:

"A NEW BORN CHILD IS THROWN IN THE MIDDLE OF A DEN OF THIEVES, that have already taken them from their mother to steal their milk and now will be bidding to forcibly confine him in a crate for months and steal his flesh and body, for money. you must realize that all products that come from animals harm them and are not necessary for our survival. WE HAVE NO RIGHT TO MAKE THESE CHILDREN SUFFER."

| NOname explică:

"THE WALL OF EXCUSES & JUSTIFICATIONS NEEDS TO COME DOWN. the old murder/suicide paradigm is wearing thin and harming us all, even those addicted to it, know they do not have a leg to stand on, it is hard to reach a hand out to those that are okay with cutting off the legs of other beings, to eat them, but we must try. the animals depend on us. we need to show others their excuses do not hold water...VEGANISM IS THE ONLY VIABLE AND COMPASSIONATE FUTURE."

| NOname explică:

"WHEN THE TABLES ARE TURNED AND YOU ARE THE ONE THAT IS THE "FARM' ANIMAL, being cut apart, for your body parts, this idea of being "sacrificed" to be food or trinkets, for others, seems a little barbaric and silly, right? empathy seems to only come, when we have also been treated with disdain, and cruelty. it does not have to go this far. THINK WITH COMPASSION, THINK VEGAN!"

| NOname explică:

"WE MUST MAKE IT SO EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS ALL ANIMALS ARE POTENTIAL FRIENDS and none are meant to be our "food", whether it is online, on the streets or in your homes or by watching documentaries with your friends and family, we must awaken all the others concerning the Holocaust of these innocent souls, and only then can they make an educated decision to continue in this circle of death. check out the links below, to see that we are making a difference. we must make it so SLAUGHTERHOUSES HAVE GLASS WALLS AND ALL SEE WHAT THEY SUPPORT."

| NOname explică:

"A TERRIFIED CHILD LOOKS INTO THE FACE OF HIS PSYCHOTIC TERRORIST, unable to make a move, without an okay, all so people will give him money, for this "entertainment". this is going on, worldwide, in so many countries, with the abuse and torture shelled out, in varying degrees. please, sign below to help stop the abuse of primates, in the USA, in town fairs and the one for the primates in a Russian circus, in French, but easy to understand. and in Thailand, where they are making orangutans box for money. share by clicking on the haunting picture and please, boycott all "entertainment" events that abuse animals, VOTE NO TO ANIMAL CRUELTY BY WITHHOLDING YOUR MONEY!"